
Do you think the republicans?

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the higher ups, not Joe Six Pack Republican, are throwing this election?

Seriously, with the economic mess created by the Iraq debacle...trillions in debt...

the economy is going to suck for awhile and we all know it. I believe the republican strategy is to blow this election, ensure an Obama win, and then blame him for the bad economy.

Face it, McCain needed moderates to win, and no moderate will ever vote for Palin. She's great for the hard core cons, but she's too extreme for everyone else.

So, are they blowing it on purpose?




  1. Love these answers.  One Conservative says Clinton rode the wave of Reagan and Bush 1 economic policies and another says he left us 6 trillion in debt.  d**n, that is funny.

  2. Personally, I'm not quite that cynical, but I do think the next president has a steep challenge in front of him. And I don't think Sen. McCain has that sort of duplicity in his genes.

  3. I don't think they are throwing this election intentionally. They just don't know what the f--- they're doing !

    As you pointed out, the Republicans are not conservative at all. No conservative would continue to dump $100 Billion into Iraq each year. Worse yet, that money is not included in the Federal Budget. So, our treasury just keeps printing money to cover. That results in the falling dollar and subsequently higher oil prices.

    I'm shocked that NO Republicans have addressed this problem. This economic crisis is much more dangerous to the US than any rogue dictators.

  4. I don't put anything shady past the republicans. Karl Rove is Satan's spawn and he's working for the crackpot team now.  

  5. I don't think they are throwing it away people just are tired of the Bush policies and this is what is gonna lose it for Mccain. Mccain agrees with Bush and his policies so that is that. Now about the people  blaming Obama for the bad economy this is hilarious!! I sure hope the American People are smarter than that.

  6. Sounds very plausible. No middle of the road person will vote for the two of them.  

  7. That is what it seems like....

  8. Here let me run this by. CONGRESS spends the money. You already have a DEMOCRAT LED CONGRESS with a 18% approval rating! If anything goes bad over the next 4 years it is on YOU! You are expected to pick up seat in the congress. When would Democrats become part of the problem in your mind? Republicans when do we step up to the plate and admit our part in the situation e are in today? It took both parties to get us where we are at today. It will take us as Americans to get us out of the mess we are in. We as in all of US!

  9. No, its not intentional, they are just too dumb and corrupt to govern.

  10. I think they are hoping that Hilary voters are ignorant and will vote for McCain just because Palin is a woman.  I was surprised at the pick and don't think she is at all qualified.  I mean Alaska has a population of about what 700,000? And 90% of them are polar bears.

  11. You could be right.  After all it worked for the Democrats.  Clinton rode the high economy created by Reagan and the original Bush and the Democrats took all the credit.  Meanwhile Clinton spent it all away and sliced our military down to nothing leaving the door wide open for terrorist attacks which of course they did on Bush number two's watch.  W got stuck with trying to straighten up the foreign policy debacles created by the "anything goes as long as you tell us you love us" attitude of the Clinton's and their left leaning "We love Europe" crowd.  Gee this blame thing works pretty well doesn't it?  No wonder you liberals keep falling back on it.  After all it is the ONLY battle cry of the Obama campaign.  "We're not Bush!"  Ok, so you aren't Bush, so who are you?  What have you done?  More importantly what will you do?  I haven't heard any great ideas yet.  The only promises the Dem's are making are to raise taxes on the rich, and give more handouts to the poor.  I can't see how that is going to benefit our county long term.  Can you explain it to me?

    Grump56.  Both answers are right.  He rode INTO office in good economic times created by his predecesors.  He left the country in debt after his two terms of tax and giveaway strategy failed.

  12. well considering the national debt was over 6 trillion when Clinton left office how come we didnt hear you then?

    BTW they arent throwing this election,they just won it!

  13. I think the Republicans are getting tons of skin in St. Paul and I'm jealous.

  14. No. I am a moderate democrat and Palin brings balance to the Republican Party.

    I am tired of Liberals and  lawyers running the country.

  15. No way, the oil companies won't allow it.

  16. Remember when Bush was blamed for Clintons bad eccomony.

  17. Sorry I am a moderate and a reg. Democrat.........Sorry dude, they won me over and my Democrat sister and father. It's about experience and running for country....not self promotion.It's about who will protect my family best,  not who delivers an eloquent speech

    Liberals have ruined my party.......Thats why we lose elections!

  18. Obama also needs moderates to win.

    And if no moderates will vote for her why did 22% of hillary supporters say they were now voting McCain after the announcement of Palin.  (rasmussen poll is my source)

    Also why did Obama need Biden..obvious answer is it became obvious people know he doesnt have much experience.  So instead of change, he chose the 35 year  washington good ole boy.  So whos really blowing it.

  19. Interesting conspiracy, but you're giving the Republidumbs too much credit.

  20. No, not at all!  

  21. No.  

  22. omg ! Stop being so dramatic.  .  

  23. the economy really went to h**l over the last 2 years.  that was on the filthy libs watch.

  24. It's called "bait & switch" by con artists. The two parties do it every four to eight years now just to keep us from figuring out that whether the Democrats are taxing the businesses or the Republicans are taxing the workers, we are still going to pay either through the cash register (corporate tax) or the IRS (income tax).

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