
Do you think the rey is going to go bad and take off his mask and change to his real name in his story line?

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His real name is Oscar Gonzales




  1. I doubt Rey Mysterio will turn heel and I doubt he'll change his name and come back with no mask.

    Here are some possibilities and reasoning:

    When Kane pulled out Rey Mysterio's mask, it's like carrying out a storyline as well as maintaining Rey Mysterio in the WWE picture, since he hasn't been used lately on television. I've heard and read that Mysterio's contract is almost up. I've even read and heard that it's because they rather have him fully healed and not be injury prone. Those are two possibilites, but as I said, this gives WWE time to clear up anything with Rey as they keep his name still on RAW, so he maintains his popularity, etc.

    That's just my thoughts and opinions on that.

  2. I do not believe that kane recovers its mask  

  3. No because come on think he has more than one mask he will probably wear another mask. plusoscar gonzales isnt a scary name.

  4. that would be interesting, but i think the fans love rey more as a face and quite frankly i dont see a heel character fitting him unless he's in a faction like the filthy animals in wcw. So no i dont think that will happen

  5. his real name is Oscar Gutierrez

    and I think he will still be rey mysterio

  6. Are you sure he is even coming back to do an angle with Kane?

    I know it looks like that will happen. But Reys contract will soon be up. I don't know if the WWE is going to resign him or not. He wants more money to sign again. Do you think Vince should give him more money even though he is hurt most of the time? Rey is good when he is healthy but being hurt as much as he is I don't think he should get more money.

    So Rey might come back and lose to Kane if he doesn't sign a new contract. Or this could just be a way to write Rey off.

    I doubt they would change his name at this point. They might make him come back to tv and make him lose his mask if he doesn't want to resign. They might just do that before the let him go.

  7. no because he a better good guy then a bad guy i say  

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