
Do you think the right-wing pundits share some of the blame for the "I hate liberals" shooter?

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People like to blame rappers for the bad influence they have on young people, and as a liberal, I totally agree. Rap degrades women and glamorizes violence, pimps, thugs, and materialism (without showing the hard work usually involved).

Well, this right-wing nut case was apparently part of the "Savage Nation". Right-wing pundits like Micheal Savage, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh constantly demonize liberals as traitors, subhuman, scum, vermin, mentally ill, etc, etc.



Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked a church in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," court records show.




  1. No, right-wing pundits have nothing to do with this delusional man's mental problems.

    Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon, was photographed in People magazine reading and praising "Catcher in the Rye," are you going to blame JD Salinger for that?

  2. I most definitely do! My husband has taken up listening to talk radio every day while he drives. He's become a total nut case, and becomes very argumentative when I bring up any topic that he's heard "Shawn" or "Rush" talking about. I consider myself a libertarian, leaning toward liberal, which is what HE used to be too. Now he talks about the "stupid blacks", illegals, and how Liberals will be the end of our country! I live near the church shooting, and was actually VERY surprised how other churches came to the aid of the victims of the shootings, because usually people around here are very judgmental and look down their noses at anyone that isn't republican.

  3. A terrible evil thing to do for any reason. I have only ever heard snippets of these people on you tube over here in Europe and America does seem to have some rather hateful speakers on radio really.  I do hope that those hurt and bereaved by this find some peace, no one should die for what type of form of democracy they feel is better ever.


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  5. I'll say no.  I think that the dude was plain crazy.  After Columbine everyone was searching for someone to point the blame at (aside from the shooters).  Society as a whole is not going to perfect.  If it's not video games causing violence, it's Rush Limbaugh, gangster rap, violence in movies, whatever else you want to point at and blame.  It's getting ridiculous.  We're in the era of no personal responsiblity.  People need to wake up.  Maybe you're not big boned and you're just fat and lazy.  I'm way off topic.

  6. No. Liberals are responsible though.

  7. There will always be unstable national Enquirer readers (no).  Talk show hosts did not make up his mind; he did and he already felt the way he did if he even listened to their shows (ie, he agreed with much of what they said but they didn't give him the ideas - a sick mind did).

  8. just like Liberals being responsible for all the dead pregnant marines lately.

    Please look up Ted Kennedy as a reference

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