
Do you think the rock music we know and love is dying a slow death?

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Do you think the rock music we know and love is dying a slow death?




  1. i dont think its dying. more or less fading. this new wave pop c**p and all that emo music has pretty much brainwashed us. we need to get back to the good stuff.

  2. I agree with Funky Fresh Rastaman. It's just fading away with The Jonas Hoes and all this emo and scremo c**p. It's retarted and all these wannabe bands that think they can sing. It's just g*y. Those kids don't know the meaning of rock. But AC/DC will bring it back on October 20th :D.

  3. Ya I knew that in the 90's!

  4. Depends on your definition of rock.  The c**p that we hear every day now is not rock, all the teenieboppers just call it that.  Real rock has never went away, it's just been misplaced by kids that don't know any better.  Real rock will live forever, while these sideshow, dime a dozen bands that claim to play rock will fade away.

  5. Ah no. The music I listen to (metal) ~kicks rocks!~ and keeps getting better and better. But, I see where you are coming from. :)

    Happy Labor Day!

    love ya


  6. I think it has been dead since the mid ninety's.

  7. well it is slowly fading, unfortunatley, due to S****y a$$ people on the stage now like jonas brothers and miley cyrus in which all lonely 13 year olds are fallen in love with.

  8. a little bit but paramore made it better =)

  9. If you mean stuff like the Beatles then I sure hope so.

  10. Rock has BEEN dead since the mid 90's. Country music is even out selling it right now. I don't hear MUSICIANS anymore. I hear 3 chords playing and all the songs sound the same.No talent anymore.

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