
Do you think the same people are going to talk about Biden wearing depends?

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As they have with McCain?




  1. That "depends" on who's doing the talking.  The libs bash McCain, but now Obama thinks a 'mature' person will balance the ticket.  I think Obama is the one who is going to need the "Depends" when he sees his campaign going down the toilet.

  2. LOL! And Biden has hair plugs too.

  3. Probably not.  Joe Biden doesn't have that same "barely holding it together" type quality that John McCain has.  I think that impression mostly comes from McCain's scar tissue from his biopsy and limited mobility in his arms from his P.O.W. treatment.

  4. Not yet. They probably would in 7 or 8 years when Biden is McCain's age. I think that Biden is generally an active guy while McCain is being carted around like Bernie Lomax by Lieberman and Romney, "my friends..."

  5. I don't know. Depends.

  6. Biden's family (his wife and baby daughter) died in a car accident, and his introduction to the crowd yesterday was talking about his really hot wife. What a stand up guy!

    then he said she was really smart which was a bad thing.

  7. yes of course they will

  8. No, Biden knows how many houses he has and what kind of car he drives. Biden is one of the fading generations that go over his fears and dated ways, that is why he is a Democrat.

  9. No because Joe Biden still has 100% of his mental faculties with no sign of senility.

    McCain  shows many signs. He doesn't  know how many houses he and his wife own, he doesn't know what make of car he owns, and he often denies making statements day after he says them. He appears to be getting worse, so it might not be too long till he forgets where the bathroom is.

  10. Wow, do you think it is possible because McCain wears then...  

  11. no, you can't say mean things to the wittle wibs.

  12. No because Biden isn't running against Obama

  13. People are such children sometimes

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