
Do you think the scottish refs deserve £800 a game ???

by  |  earlier

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he he he




  1. no chance. im sure mccurry gets an extra few quid from minty though ;-)

  2. Ouch!

    That was the linesman's job to see that one.

    Still - I wouldn't do that job for all the money in the world.

  3. 800 quid for a 90 min week,f**k i'll do that.

  4. It will save David Murray a fortune.

  5. We need them, so pay them. But then they are accountable, they get it wrong then it should cost them.

  6. All these people who slag off at referees, get you ticket and referee before you start getting stuck into them. It can be a thankless job but no referee no game. They deserve whatever they can get.

    Obviously, if they are well paid there is little likelihood of them seeking income from other sources.

  7. well they maybe made a few bob last season on the side with their pish calls against aberdeen and st mirren and the likes

    anyway £800 for 90 mins sounds like a good days work to me x

  8. I think all this asking for more wages came about cos Minty is skint and there are no top ups available :-)

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