
Do you think the south will have a drought again this year?

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We really suffered with the drought last year.Our well went dry and we didn't get water until early this year.What are somethings that can be done to prevent this from happening again?




  1. I was thinking about that today listening to all the problems with the flooding and flood stages in the mid-west US.

    Wow! You know you all are in trouble when parts of North Carolina are already/still in extreme drought conditions.*

    "The hardest hit areas of North Alabama and North Georgia are still experiencing rainfall deficits. Lake and reservoir levels, such as Lake Lanier that supplies Atlanta, are still significantly below normal and have not received as much recharge as hoped during the winter season. Likewise in South Florida, where low Lake Okeechobee levels are dictating water restrictions in South and Southwest Florida."** This from a site that gives you links to the other drought monitoring sites.

    The problem is the population has out grown the natural reserves you have in that area. Atlanta alone uses vast amounts of water. It sounds harsh, but I would think about moving the beverage and bottling businesses that are in that area north to where water is more readily available. You would then have to ship some beverages back to that part of the country but you wouldn't be shipping your water out to other parts.

    The Florida Everglades park for the last few years has had a map in it that shows the steps they are taking to change the flow of water to go back to the everglades instead of out to the ocean. It's rather interesting.*** But, ironically right after the drought the funding has been reduced and saving them might not happen.****

    People in your area are going to have to learn to conserve year round. They should switch those vast green lawns to open gardens and meadows that do not need watering.

    If you studied water at all in school then you know how scary it is when the water table gets that low. The bad stuff in it is really concentrated. There is no quick solution and I see the problem only getting worse.

    From North Carolina to Georgia to Florida, this is a HUGE problem that deserves massive attention. And how whacky is it that when you compare the current flooding maps with the current drought maps that many areas currently hardest hit overlap.*****&******

    Sending good thoughts your way though!

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