
Do you think the speed of the thought could be about 1-2m/sec?

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If we suppose people can receive thoughts and even some more receptive one can make personal research and express the a/m suggestion.

What do you think about?




  1. I believe it can be faster than the speed of light. If we think to be somewhere, then we can be there.  Of course it is unproven.  But there was an interesting Star Trek episode based on it.

  2. I read somewhere its 400kph.

  3. I think that the brain constantly fluctuates between patterns of electrical impulses. So all your thoughts are flowing at the same time, it just depends on which patterns you choose to amplify.

  4. I think that the speed of thought is depended upon the person. There is no exact speed that a person thinks, everyone thinks at a different speed.

  5. its measured in Hz

  6. Nerve impulses can travel anywhere up to 120 m/sec, according to studies (see first link). That's around 400 km/hr, as someone posted above.

    Regarding the speed of forming an idea, that's around 300 milliseconds. That's how long it took a volunteer to begin to understand a pictured object. Add to that another 250 to 450 milliseconds to fully comprehend what it was. Total speed of thought: between 550 and 750 milliseconds (see 2nd link)

  7. Are we talking the speed of thought within the body as it pertains to chemical transition to electronic brainwave response time?

    If you're asking about thought travle time, I would lean towards 3×10^8 m/s = C (this is the denotation for a rough estimate formula for the speed of light. If we are talking the concept of travle time of thought in an unobstructed space [a vaccuum] then I would thrown in with the Kabbalastic approch that thought and light are the same thing and that will and sound or vibration are also of equal substance).

    Again, this is all theoretical and not the most biased of my answers because it is leaning on an ancient esotheric belief that light and thought or light and "insight" or "ideals" are one in the same...

  8. What is m? Is it the number of thoughts?

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