
Do you think the statement 'Bullies are not leaders, rather followers' is true? Why?

by Guest57573  |  earlier

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Do you think the statement 'Bullies are not leaders, rather followers' is true? Why?




  1. The dichotomy leader/followers creates a false image that the only honorable position in life is that of a leader, for otherwise you are "nothing but a follower". So the statement you put up for debate seems to me a feeble revenge from the "downgraded by the bully".

    Nevertheless, I would agree that bullies are no leaders, because leadership is a quality that is not related to "forcing others to obey" but to "convincing to participate".

    But since I disagree that "following" is the sole characteristic of the non leaders, and that following is not necessarily a negative attitude, I would say bullies are no followers either, because being part of the pack requires ability to relate, group effort and solidarity, all qualities that bullies are incapable of developing.

  2. I would reckon so.

    I mean bullies are so shallow and low bullying other helpless kids that they could never really be a leader, so they are a follower. True leaders have courage, strength, and a good heart.

  3. Rather overcomplicated thinking.  Bullies are neither leaders nor followers.

    They keep it simple.  They want, they take.  No more, no less.

  4. Possibly for the reason they let others have such a negative impact on them, that they themselves don't lead their own life.

    Imposing the ultimatum they see on others, just as someone most likely did before them.

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