
Do you think the super arrogant Kwame Kilpatrick (Detroit Mayor) will be forced to resign before trial?

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Do you think the super arrogant Kwame Kilpatrick (Detroit Mayor) will be forced to resign before trial?




  1. Anyone with the right amount of money,and the attitude(im above the rest of you)will get off scott free! just look at the barry bonds,roger clemens. This mayor will do the same thing. Best thing i ever saw and he got off(and more than once) was mr Bill Clinton. ( I never had s*x with that woman)When you live in a world of lies,you begin to beleive your own lies!

  2. He can removed or forced to resign through two ways.

    One, the Governor, Jenniffer Granholm, can remove any elected official if that person has been proven (not in court, but just by the Gov reviewing the evidence) to have mis-used their position. Only once in the last 30 years has a Governor threatened to use that power. In the mid-1970's Governor Milliken threatened to remove a West Bloomfield Treasurer for being a drunk. The guy promised to sober up, so Milliken backed off.

    Two, the registered voters of the citizens of Detroit could recall the Mayor. It is a bit complicated. Once the wording is approved by the Wayne County election commission, the Recall Campaign than must collect almost 58,000 valid signatures within a period of 90 days. That means that the Recallers must collect about 700 VALID signatures everyday for 90 days.

    The VALID signature thing is important. Many folks have terrible handwriting, or they misspell the name of their street, or they mix up their street numbers and they are just plain stupid and write signature twice instead of one signature followed by printing their names.

    Some folks just make up names.

    After the signatures are collected, they have to be reviewed and then the legal challenges begin. The result is that almost 30% of the signers are dismissed for any of the above reasons. So that 58,000 number has to be closer to 80 or 90 thousand; hence, the signature collecters have to find almost 800 people everyday for 80 days (you need at least 10 days to organize all the petitions and fill out all the forms.)

    Then there is a Special Election called within 120 days of the signatures being collected and approved.

    So, let's say on April 1 the wording for the recall is approved, then add 90 days or 3 months ... that translates to July 1, 2008 ... toss in a month or two for the lawyers to argue over the VALID signatures ... now we're at September 1 add in another 120 days and we are into December for the Special Election.

    Recall elections are a pain in buttt, that's why they rarely ever suceed.

  3. Kwame?! Maybe he shouldn't and just run the mayor's office from his jail cell.

  4. The city is already asking for him to step down.

    Unfortunately, he can't be forced to step down from his position until after he's found guilty and charged of all accused crimes by the court system.

    As an addition, his attorney advise him not to step down.

  5. His lawyer said that would be punishing him before his trial, only a lawyer could use a trial of mayor, for obstruction of justice, perjury and other charges to try to keep him in office.

    that's why people whouldn't just vote for someone because of the party of race or things like that because then they re-elect someone like this guy.

    I'm not saying just Democrats before everyone gets all antsy, but in this case it's a Democrat.

  6. Of course not!! that would be too much like "right"..

  7. I hope so.  Detroit needs the mayor to work for the city, not spending tax $ to clear the air on his personal affairs.

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