
Do you think the tote i bought for school is cute? ?

by Guest33300  |  earlier

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my tote bag for school:

i know its a random question, but my friend (who's not fashionable!) thinks it's ridiculous for school. i just wanna see how many people agree with her. =)




  1. ew, that's ugly.

    Try a cute canvas tote from NA they have great book bags I just bought like 4 yesterday!

  2. soooo cute.. mwaa.lovely...


  3. depends on how old you are. it'd be better for middle school

  4. I THINK IT'S SOOOOO CUTE! I would TOTALLY bring it to school!  

  5. that is so not cute. seriously.

  6. i would never use it but everyone has different taste

  7. i think this tote is really cute!

    and you shouldnt care what your friend or anyone else thinks about it because if you like it then use it! who cares what anyone else thinks..your friend could just be jealous that she doesnt have a cute tote like you do! have fun at school!

  8. It's not my style, it's alright.

  9. ehhh.

    its not really my style.

    but if you like it then its all good:)

  10. It's alright, but it's just not my style. I like something a bit more simple looking.  

  11. ok this is comming out in the nicest way possible

    it is the most revolting bag i have ever seen in my life.  and i have seen some ugly ones

    are you sure your friend doesn't know what she is talking about?

  12. not my styleee.

    but if you like it than thats all that matters.

  13. it looks alright. in my opinion, i wouldn't use it for school

  14. i think its cute! =]

  15. that tote is god awful.... go ahead thumbs down idc

  16. Thats the type of thing "unfashionable" people would wear.

    Nah, um its alright, but 4 school???

  17. nope

    i actually think its really cute.

    dont worry about what your friend said because you bought it because you liked it not so you can impress her and other people at school.

    be yourself and express youself with these type of stuff.

    dont care what people think because they probably arent goin to be in your future so dont worry about them.

    hope i helped.

  18. its cute, not really my style

    but its cute =)

  19. Its cool! Its so cute!That will crack other when you bring it to school.

    I luv it so much especially the pattern of the bag which is so nice and rlly suit our own personality for who luvs it.

    I say ignore those who said it ugly,the bag is nice,They just dont have the sense of fashion.Trust me!

  20. your not fashionable either cause that is horrendous.

  21. sorry no =/

  22. i dont likey

  23. oh my. i wouldn't use cute as the word to describe it...

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