
Do you think the u.s. economy system works?

by Guest65678  |  earlier

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Do you think the u.s. economy system works?




  1. Yes it does work, however it is fairly certain that it is not the "best" system as shown by the Housing market and such. Some people advocate a more Laissez-faire system, some a more Socialized system. That being said, our economy still is much better than many other countries even if has room for improvement.

  2. the u.s. economy is mostly a capitalistic economy. capitalism drives scarce resources to the ones who use them most efficiently. nothing has lifted more people out of poverty than capitalism. capitalism is the most fair economic system because you are allowed to enjoy the fruits of your own labor. the cornerstone of capitalism is individual liberty and ownership. so my answer would be: yes, the u.s. economy works. what does'nt work is government intrusion into the economy causing distortions.  

  3. for the most part yes

    the problem right now isn't so much the u.s economy system as a whole but the way people are handling it.

  4. apparently it works. There are advantages and is advances of a free market economy (US type). Oh sorry, in fact, there are no absolutely free market economy or planned economy. In reality all economies are mixed economy. Of course, the advantage of free market economy is that it sets the price right. Let the market works itself. But, there are many disadvantages as well. For example, Demerit goods (cigarettes, bad stuff p**n :) will be overprovided. So, the merit goods on the other hand would be underprovided.

  5. That's like asking if capitalism works.  Well, with the unending string of human genocides, the unparallelled suffering of many many millions, the very avoidable mass starvations and the two tier education and social systems that the so called developed countries have could easily cause one to think that things could be far better.  So, rather than try to improve life for every living creature and the whole planet, we are forced to continue along the same destructive path that will probably end all life on the planet one day.  No, I promise you, capitalism doesn't work; well, not without endless military conflicts it doesn't anyway.  One day there will be a weapon that will end life on this planet, probably from the usa, and as 9/11 has proved, the us government will go to any lengths to get what they want.  Whether that event was done by terrorists or not (I believe not) the us response has been horrendously excessive.  However, the Chinese and European economic models are proving to be infinitely more successful than that of the usa.  That's why america is blaming oil rich countries for terrorist acts and invading them before sufficient people realize that it's all lies, so they can control the world's oil supply.  40 years time will see the usa as the planet's 4th largest economy.  However, there are serious consequences ahead no matter what happens.

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