
Do you think the universe is a loop?

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Do you think the universe is a loop?




  1. Absolutely the universe is loop. As we are in the state to say that the whole of the universe lie in some kind of time fabric. The time fabric is a curve one. The phenomena of the universe can be looping itself again and again only when the time meets in its preliminary time path. As the time path of this universe is absolutely curved, it’s probable that a curved trail of time fabric could meet once again in its preliminary point or intersect in between time slices.

  2. possibly...

    according to the big bang theory we all exploded out of a tiny piece of matter that was super compacted or something into a extremely dense piece of matter. Well after a few trillon years gravity might pull everything back together and the explosion might happen all over again.

    So it could just be a continuous cycle.

  3. It's a fractal.

  4. Absolutely not.

    Everyone can easily measure the expansion of the Universe if they have the proper equipment. It has been repeated many times in various observatories, so it is real.

    If the things in space were moving away from each other at these tremendous speeds, and the universe was a loop,

    we would have had stars and things coming back around and passing the Earth and our Solar System.


    They are simply moving out and away from us...all these other things in space.

  5. i gave up thinking about it long ago because it doesn"t matter

  6. It could be, but you're talking aboutthe topology rather than the geometry which is in some sense more "Local".

    Geometrically we know the universe is almost, if not exactly flat. However we know that to a human, the Earth appears almost flat, but it's not. Locally, a field of grass can be adequately approximated to a perfect flat square. However, if your field extends across Russia, it's clearly nothing like a flat field.

    This doesn't mean the universe isn't a loop. It could be 99% flat but slightly curved into a sphere- like the Earth, or a torus, like the world pacman lives in (move off one end come back on the other)- a "doughnut"- made by attaching opposite sides of a piece of paper.

    Geometrically we CAN analyse the local structure of the universe, that is, within the observable universe. But the observable universe might just be one farmer's field on the Earth- we might only be able to see a tiny part of the unvierse and from this we would need extremely accurate measurements to find what the actual curvature is. EVen once we know the local geometry it would prove much harder to find the universal topology.

    It could be a loop, thouh a loop is a 1D construct there are similar 2D ones to imagine exactly like a torus. I think a 3D torus might be called a hypertorus, perhaps resulting in a 3D pacman abl to come towards you and re-emerge at the "back" of the screen.

  7. sure.....big bang , then big crunch, then another big bang againg, and it happens infitive of times over and over i guess is not the firts time you ask that question....

  8. If you mean does the universe cycle thought Big Bang/Big Crunch/Big Bang/Big Crunch then no, I don't.

    I honestly wish it did as it implies a cycle of renewal and rebirth which is cool.

    But the latest measurements suggest the universe will expand forever and die with a whimper.

    Just theories of course but that is the current best (educated) guess.

  9. no.

    it is like a blob of paint splatted on the ground and it is filled up of tiny stars and planets. From high up the universe looks like a bunch of stars but up close they are humongos planets, suns...etc

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