
Do you think the west REALLY wants to catch Osama bin Laden?

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Or are they just perpetuating the imagery of Al-Queeda to justify their means.I mean look how quickly and easily Saddam was caught so they could extend their foothold in the Middle-east.




  1. It' an imagery God alright but helps to reduce world population as events will take it's toll, as the holes in lace makes a pattern.

    I have painted a painting (I'm not an artist) but a bit of research proofs.

    Death of a nation

    This thought provoking painting depicts the death of a nation, through out history nations had come and gone, most fought valiantly until the end, others volunteered to be destroy.

    The painting depicts the voluntarily destruction of the Iraqi nation in abstract form, through the hole of a dark wall, not a sign of life exist, only destructed buildings and rubbles. The green depicts the dead had fertile the ground with their blood that plants emerging from the rubbles. Those few Iraqi had left the nation will serve to enrich the gene pool of the human race, others will speed up the extinction of this Iraqi nation by ethnic and sectarian cleansing or suicide bombing.

    This death of a nation abstract painting was contrived in 2007 inspired by media reports of Iraqi dead figures since the war began, and web research into the history of nations formed and gone since Roman times. We are witnessing how history unfolds itself in front of our eyes.

    In the early Roman days they found the methods work, but too bad they got that guy - you know who, they will not catch anyone this time.

    To see my painting @

    History always repreat itself and the system worls. If you have read physics professor Albert A. Bartlett's speech, then you will understand.

  2. We just want to find him because we enjoy playing hide and go seek. No biggie.

  3. Oh yes, and preferably alive.

  4. Who knows. I think he lives in a council house in the UK with three wives and loads of kids and claims benefits and lives on takeaways. There are lots of people who look just like him

  5. It will take some doing for you to understand but what the TV tells us all is a smokescreen.  OBL was treated, by a US doctor, in a US hospital 'while' he was the world's most wanted person; and they knew perfectly well who he was!!  There is a very sinister and frightenning truth hidden from our eyes by the 'news' broadcasters / printers.  What we are told by the mass media is a smokescreen, nothing more!  You'd be better informed about world events if you stopped watching or listrenning to the 'news' and stopped reading the 'news' papers.  Because the 'news' is a smokescreen.

  6. A bit of both, and it depends who.  I seriously doubt that is a vast conspiracy to prop up the boogyman to justify the war on terror, but certainly some people in the government have the opinion that we should.

    I think the real reason why we haven't got bin Laden is that he's in Pakistan, which may be a convenient excuse for folks who favor the boogyman tactic...but it also makes it horribly complicated to go in there and get him.

  7. I don't think so because he would get OJ's lawyer and the lawyer would ask the soldier that caught bin laden if he ever called an arab a bad name,the jury would let bin laden off on a technicality making a mockery of justice.

  8. Nah!  They would not  know what  to do with him if they caught him  - Far better this way contained in a cave somewhere. A nice big enemy for the yanks to shake a stick at now the russians don't count so high.

  9. You are right on the money!

  10. Only if he is a real character - or maybe he is an agent provocateur - an illusionary creation to excuse the means of  genocide/war/invasion.

  11. O.B.L. is a chinese trick to frightening you.

    That man who   played was a taxidriver in Chicago before was shot.

    There is no Osama bin Laden.

  12. Why would they want to catch Bin Laden? He rules! He tries to kill Americans and Englishans. He deserves a pat on the back. A shave wouldn't go amiss mind.

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