
Do you think the whole Miss America thing undercuts ?

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the Reps stance as being tough on national security? Will the rest of the world respect her because she can twirl a baton?




  1. She lost the Miss Alaska, hence she did not get a crack at Miss America.

    I personally like the combination of beauty and smarts.  Michelle and Hillary are seriously lacking in one and/or both of these category's.

  2. Here we go.  The I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I mentality serves you well.

  3. I think it will. Between twirling her baton she twirls her tongue in order to intervene against a state employee just to help her sister

  4. You still have to have a brain to twirl and baton and catch it.

    I'm still voting for Obama/Biden '08

  5. No.  What's wrong with being beautiful?? This is as bad as saying people won't vote for Obama because he's black.  When will people look beyond the outer appearance and see what's inside.  In Palin's case, there's brains, guts, experience, drive, compassion, and one tough woman who faces whatever challenges come her way.

  6. Hey! don't discount the importance of baton twirling! It's great to fight off terrorists!


  7. Its about Alaska oil reserves and big oil company's  the world will bow to OIL...see its all about corruption and power with the republicans..chow mistress dino

  8. How sexist. You must be an Obama supporter.

    Cast Hillary aside and now trash a mother and leading woman politician.

    Keep it up and you will lose all those Hillary supporters.

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