
Do you think the word "d**n" a bad word?

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Ok I really want a Christian answer to this question, lately on songs that are "clean" I hear the word all the time. And one of my friends who says that he doesn't curse says it all the time. I always thought it was a bad word or is that only when used with a religious term. What do yall think?




  1. I say a lot worse than that on a daily basis! LOL!

    I wouldn't think it too bad...there are things that are a lot worse. If you have a problem with hearing the word, ask those around you to please not use it in front of you (like your friends and family). If they're nice and understanding, they should have no problem complying to your request with little fuss or agitation.

  2. I am a christian. I personally do not think it is a bad word. It depends on the age. But personally, it's not a big deal at all.

  3. no, darnnitt

  4. It means to condemn, its usage has degenerated, but still basically the same.

  5. The only reallly 'bad' word that I know is 'censorship'.  I think people are overly sensitive when it comes to language.  If I stub my toe and say 'Ow, sh*t' (this happens occaionally), people shouldn't have a problem with that.  If I swear AT someone, their problem should be my aggression towards them, not the descriptive words that I use.

  6. I dont think it is but I wouldnt say it front of a small kid so i guess it depends who you are saying it too

  7. As with anything a person says, the meaning behind it and how a word is used determines if it is bad.  

  8. It's not a work I'd say in front of my mom or dad , That's just the way I was brought up

  9. no, i hear it alot from everyone.

  10. I personally don't think so, but it IS considered a curse word.  It is fairly commonly used and people have come to accept it.  But people, especially Christians, get upset when hearing it used, especially in front of children.  

  11. Well, i wouldnt say it because i just dont like using the word. Its in the bible and i dont think its bad but i would just not say it,

  12. I don't use it and consider it a curse word.

  13. No I dont think so hey if *** or d**n or anything else was in the bible then hey we can say it all day lonnggggggg.

  14. d**n. depends on how you use it. i mean, YOU CANT HELP IT.

  15. Would you say it in front of your mom? What would you do if your 3 year old little girl said it to you? If you would be offended, then you could probably consider it a bad word. Of course...there are many other much worse words out there so I would much rather hear the "d" word then the other ones....

  16. Above is correct...d**n is a shortened version of condemn...and was used to 'curse' something or someone...literally.  Modern usage has lost this meaning and use it commonly and vulgarly.

    c**p is another....John C. Crapper invented the indoor toilet or 'water closet' in the 19th century...his last name gradually became synonomous with f***s.

    The 'f' word is another...originally it came from the abbreviation of the criminal law, "Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge" and F. U. C. K. was carved or written on the stocks that men or women convicted of this crime were locked up in (for a set period of time as a punishment).

  17. I'm a Christian and know that when someone uses the Lord's name with the word d**n, that is definitely cursing, and worst, blasphemy.  Just the word d**n is very negative, and using negative words all the time creates negative thinking and outcomes .    

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