
Do you think the world is ending?

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Since the millennium started, there have been some many disasters – both natural and caused by humans – that you have to wonder if the millennium marked the start of the end of the world.

9/11 and the wars in its aftermath, Hurricane Katarina, the Tsunamis and now the events in Burma and China… I don’t think a year has gone by without some major disaster.




  1. yes, the world will inevitably end at some percieved point whether it be our own doing or natural

    However it isn't ending at the moment. Natural disasters have been happening throughout history, take the plague for example people though that was the end. War is alwas happening its human nature. The only reason why you hear more of them is beacuse of the media and in the past they will not have been doucmented as successfully as today.

    To answer the religous people who answered this question - the book of revelations is insane (have you actually read it) and no the kingdom of God will not come at the end of the world - it is NOW you idiots so enjoy it, we are living in the kingdom of God .

    Oh an Global warming isn't happening it is a phase in the Earths growth. we aren't causing global warming, take for instance every time a volcanoe erupts it pumps enough CO2 and CO into the atmosphere than we do in a 100,000 years so we have little inpact. Why do we hear about it then its scientist paid by the government confirm it so that they can tax us. yey

  2. if it is you cant worry about it, simple as that. you need to live life how its good for you and try to be a good person so when the time does come you will be one of the lucky

  3. Yeah... you're right.

    I don't really remember as many disasters as what has happened in the past few years.  Don't get me wrong... bad things did happen, they always have and always will, but the scale of things has changed.

  4. Would be weird to find our own planet trying to kill us.

  5. S**t happens.If you worry you die.If you don't worry you still die.Why worry?

  6. Simply put, No, I don't think the world is ending.

    Many Christians want the world to end, because it validates their  beliefs in Revelation etc... There have been events such as this going on for millions of years. Those earthquakes in asia wouldn't be so bad if the buildings were built to the codes we have in the US (esp California).  Since 1900 there have been reported 18 major earthquakes and 1 Great earthquake per year- this has been going on for eons

    The Earth probably has another 5 Billion years (give or take a million) before the end, and that will happen when the Sun turns into a red giant and then to a planetary neblua.

  7. Humans will eventually be the cause of end of humanity. This may be through disease or something else!

  8. Don't think it's the end for everyone, maybe for most though.

  9. The same question was asked at the end of the first millenium. With warlords rampaging around Europe and Asia, invasions of barbarians upon the few remnant populations, and constant warfare and pestilence, it seemed as though the end was nigh. Contemporary scholars wrote of peasant and patrician alike taking shelter in the churches, wearing sackcloth, to await The End. When the end did not come, they trickled out slowly and embraced the world they lived in.

    There have always been disasters and will always be disasters. I think we notice them more because of our media network, not to mention that human population is the highest its ever been. This means there are more people around to suffer calamity - and more people to notice. Don't let either get to you. Put a few bucks aside each month to help support relief efforts, keep  your eyes on the Spirit, and live on.

  10. I think all those disasters are just. If our world continues down the road that its going (abortion, g*y marriage, fornifacation, babies out of wedlock, etc, etc, etc...) then we are probably going to get more disasters. Scientists say that its just happening but I think we should take these a little more seriously.

  11. I said this to my hubby just a couple of days ago. I definitely think this is the beginning of the end of the world.

  12. i think we defiantly are near the end!!! infact its just around the corner im sure, how scary, but exciting at the same time :D x

  13. Think before the millennium. Bad things did still happen. Just as much as they do now. You just notice it more because it's recent.


  14. well yeah it is but it will be millions and millions of years dont worry you will die before the world ends

  15. The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed 100 million people. The first great war killed 8.5 million people. The second great war caused many tens of millions of deaths.During 1347 - 1350  Bubonic plague occurred in Europe and beyond; 25 million people died in this disaster.During 1958 - 1961 nearly 20 million people died because of famine in China.In India 10 million people died due to famine in 1769. The list goes on and on...

    We have come a long way and There have always been people who continue to predict yet another doomsday!

  16. and I feel fine

  17. Western  world,  yes.

  18. There have been disasters for millenia...just now we have 24/7 the world is not going to end....get out in the sun and enjoy it.....

  19. What what, in the butt? What what, in the butt? ABORT! ABORT! What what, in the butt? I said What what, in the butt? What what, in the butt?


  20. I will admit. Natural Disasters have occurred since Day 1, but it's constantly. All the hurricanes, the wars, the diseases, Alaska is melting due to Global warming. People did mention that in year, 2000 the world would end.

    WERE STILL HERE, but I seem to think this is the results to this world is not ending. I mean seriously, this world is beginning to suck. They're predicting that Dec. 21. 2012 the world would end. I think that's propaganda, but I do think this world is coming to an end due to the massive amounts of catastrophe happening every day. It's either that or were just all living in a sh*tty generation.

  21. the sun will die one day

    that will cause the earth to die

    but youll have been dead for billions of years before either of those 2 things happen

    so i wouldnt worry about it

  22. You can go back to bed now. You'll be pleased to know that the world is not ending. Not yet anyway.

    Bad events happen all the time and more will come before the years end. But not the end.

  23. Its nothing new. The sky is not falling in. As you were.

    Environmental disasters are everywhere and have been since the Great Flood... as for terrorist actions and war... basically the same, there really is no change... if you are noticing it more it is probably due to the News being on 24hr now or you have grown up and are taking notice, I don't see much difference personally.

    Different places and faces, but same stuff... on and on.

  24. No! i do not think the world is ending. Natural disasters happen and have been since day 1.

  25. I d**n well hope not for I am enjoying life so much these days. Great weather, good golf and my garden is looking good. I appreciate that the cost of food and fuel is increasing daily and that I will need to budget more carefully but nonetheless I am enjoying life. I appreciate that there are disasters throughout the world but this is nature at its worst.

  26. There have been many disasters recently and not just natural disasters but also those that were created by 'humans'.

    I am not much of a deep thinker but I don't think the world is coming to an end yet.

  27. there is no way to tell for sure

    Im Christian, and i believe that the world is trying to correct itself from all of these mistakes that we have made, such as global warming.  

    I think the planet is trying to correct itself so that it can be a better place for all life to live on.

  28. Rarely does a year go by without any major disastesr.  In 1998 Turkey suffered two massive earthquakes that killed tens of thousands of people.  In fact there are many natural disasters that happen every year - we only hear about the massive ones - many don't make the news.  It is the way the world is - out planet is constantly moving and there are fault lines which cause these natural disasters.  Of course, terrorist attacks are another thing - man made disasters.

  29. I agree with others here that humans have a tendency to think the worst, and every generation likes to think it is "special" enough to be the witness of the End. We naturally remember bad things and forget the peaceful days that go by without a disaster.

    Having said that, It behooves us to treat things as if it were the End, to try and remedy many of the mistakes humans have made, particularly to the environment.

  30. The world is full of thoughtless greedy people, unfortunately they are the ones who seem to survive! as the old saying goe's "Only the good die young".......

    over population and building in the most ridiculous places such as flood plains and earthquake zones..madness.

  31. Bro, i am a christain, i don't know if you are

    but if you have read the bible

    "Revelation", is all about the end, and it states "in the time of the end. natural disasters will occur"

    it also otherwise says, people will go corrupt

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