
Do you think the world will be a better place to live in years to come?

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Seeing the widespread global ignorance and increasing violence among humans plus the uncontrolled destruction of the environment because of greed and carelessness.




  1. Humans have been violent and destructive to the environment in all times, it's not a new phenomena, what's new is that there are so many more of us doing it now. We (humans in general) are selfish, greedy and we don't care as long as we get what we want.

    I don't think that the world will be a better place or a worse place to live in in the future. It will be different in many ways, both good and bad, but in the end it will not be better or worse. Just as we can't truly say that the past has been better or worse when we weigh in all the good things and the bad.  

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