
Do you think the world will come to an end in 2012? why or why not?

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Do you think the world will come to an end in 2012? why or why not?




  1. no they said by 2000 the world will come to end but we are still alive

  2. We can never know. God intended it to be unknown to us, but I have heard about that theory.

    It is coming very soon though.

  3. No, well it better not!  The only way I think the world can end is a) if God wills it to, because of our sins b) if we destroy ourselves by war, drugs, greed, etc.  

  4. No, the world will not end for billion of years, but humans along with all living things will suffer great losses, there will be mass extinctions, billions of humans will die, and life will begin all over. It will happen because God intended for humans to evolve spiritually as well as physically, to avoid destroying ourselves, "GOD" will step in and change the way we live, allowing us another chance and enlightening those that survive it. Do you think that life, whether created or a product of evolution was intended to revolve around material greed and personal gain, i think not, even organsims have a purpose to exist evolve, its simply the logic of existence that will step in to save our sorry asses from killing ourselves off from our dumb choices.

    Im not going to get all into it, you can find plenty of other posts that will give you a better understanding of the whole theory, if you care enough to learn about it.

  5. No, that's just superstition.  If anything were to happen to kill off mankind, it would be something that mankind developed itself.

  6. im not religious. but it ends when it ends. worrying about it wont do anything. if your religious then prepare, if your not keep livin your life.

  7. yes, its coming....

  8. The planet Earth is on a sub-lease from Darth Vader and the lease expires in 2012.  Star-troopers will then invade the earth and demand back rent and if you can't pay, they force you to become a starship trooper.


    Source - some 5 year old kid

  9. I don't think it will end but it might be pretty messed up. We are already pretty much there.

  10. This is what some people believe is happening as far as 2012 is concerned:

    Google 2012 ascension if you want to read more.

  11. the way things look it would seem that things are coming to an end, referenced in the bible about end times. but there are other times in the past as well. where world wars were a possibility, and the serious decline in civilization and the morality of its people. I am sure you referenced 2012, which is when the mayan calendar abruptly ends. did the mayans know something or did they just happen to stop at 2012 as their calendar couldnt go on indefinately. heavy question for sure.

  12. the world will not end in 2012. the mayan calendar saying it will end doesn't mean anything.  the only way i can see it happening would be by a plague or buy a super volcano.  if a plague were to occur you would have to look at it in an evolutionary perspective. a huge majority of the population would be killed by the disease but there will be people whose immune system will be good enough so save them.  they will produce offspring who have the genetics to fight off the disease and that epidemic would eventually end and humans will survive. super volcano's, which have no warning and tend to erupt every 600,000 years may be what does it.  they will have enough ash to block off all sunlight for years.  i don't feel as if that is going to happen in the near future.  

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