
Do you think the world will end in 1012?

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And why or why not




  1. cill out ppl. of course she ment 2012 xP god....

    ummm leesse... Mayan calander says so, rapture. that big polar switch were due for.

    psh idk. but its 8 days b4 my B day so it sucks xP

    but actually no i dont think anything will happen. but all of my emo friends do so im calling then 12-12-13 and rubbingi n their face ^_^

  2. hahahaha  NO....even in 2012 it won't end.  IF you are worried about it...stop worrying.  It will drive you nuts to worry that far in advance.  Life is beautiful and concentrate on the things you can control and get joy out of life.  There is a lot of it out there.

    I am sorry...I don't understand the people that can't tolerate typo's and think they should call  names and put people down.  Where is your tolerance ?  Some of you need anger management and to learn a little compassion and tolerance.

    No wonder the world is so unhappy and so is people like the ones that are answering in such immature and angry ways over a typo!  Very childish and immature!  

    They are the ones you don't want in office or in any way in any place of authority.  They would be very abusive.

    Wouldn't it be nice if people could laugh occasionally?  geezzz....

  3. don't you mean 10012 because 1012 already passed. but anyway i dont know if the world will end, i dont know how it would.

  4. Its Gods Descision. No one can predict it. I think no, it will not end then. Because God will make his descion. And all the good people will start a new life. So the good people will be happy it ended. And i think && u mean 2012. El oh El. ha. But i know what u mean. Good question

  5. i'm possitive it didn't. very simple really, it's 2008 right now. but if you me 12-21-2012. i doubt it will end but, there might be some earth changing stuff that goes on like a massive earthquake, poll shift, from a trip through the galactic plane, so the world as we know it might end but civilization probably won't

  6. uhhh...


    passed that year by a looooooooooong mile!


  7. its actually supposed to end in the year 3792

    everyone reading this and their great grand children will be loooong gone by then

  8. No, just like everyone thought that the world would come to an end in the year 2000 (remember Y2K???)

  9. ppl have been thinking the world will end forever, from old calenders found from ancient civilizations and none of those came true so honestly i think it wont but i hope the world never does end.....i wouldn't wish that upon me or any future relatives, everyone deserves to live unfortunately unless we act on quite a few issues it could end at our own hand not god but our own foolish mistakes might kill everyone we love or even our kids and so on

  10. Lol, I know you mean 2012, and I don't think so. People say that because apparently we'll be in the center of the universe then, and because the miyan calender ends on that year, 2012 december 21, but I don't think so, I believe the world will end by God's hand.

  11. I don't know if you've noticed but we tend to go next year will be 2009, not 2007. Too bad no one from 1012 can come back to answer this question.

  12. I sure hope not then I wouldn't exist right now, neither would my mom, or my grandma or my great grandma or my great great grandma etc...

  13. no cuz i dont believe in nostradamus thinkin hes the man predicting tthe end of the world

  14. yeah. idk im just paranoid.

    Mayan calender.


    future tellers.  

  15. I think in 2012 something dramatic will happen but it won't be the end of the world.  Like a spiritual awakening.  Or a hype a la Y2K that sends the world into mass hysteria.

    Or maybe Iraq or China will actually nuke the US, who knows.  

  16. 2012? you mean


    i dont

    the Mayans thought it would end in 2000 and times before then

    the calender stops 2012

    early dates said it would be a new era

    the 2012 says new beginning OR end

    i wouldnt worry about it

    it wont happen

    SCIENTISTS know when

    but the world wont end just because the Mayans said so


    only some crazy people who llike stopped working believe it

  17. according to some crazy global warming believers it should have ended a few years i give it another year or so...i mean really the earth has only been around for a little while...of course we have the power to all of the sudden destroy it with our horrible cars and oil loving yeah a year should do...if not they'll just keep pushing it back until people actually do some research and realize global warming is not occuring

  18. umm...that year all ready happened like five hundred years ago

  19. ummmmmm r u sure u dont mean 2012 cause if u mean 1012 then obviously the world is not gonna end

  20. IDK but the bible said that no one will no when it's coming so where people come up with these dates I have no Idea  

  21. the world will end at some point.... probebly from greenhouse gasses. there are so much gases that we are breathing in right now and its going to get worse over the years and then we wont even be able to go outside, we would have 2 wear gas masses. or like the dinosaurs a giant comet will come and by then we would have no amosheare to destroy the comet. but u dont have to worry about the comet cuz thats not due until like 1 million years. but u should worry about the greenhouse gasses so try not to drive a car as often, try walking.

  22. I think you mean 2012, because 1012 is looong gone. =P. And we have no idea when the world will end

  23. 2012 depends on what you base you research and trust (faith) on or in.

    but they way the political, international affairs, and nature has been of late maybe sooner.

  24. Why not? Because it ain't ended yet, why then? Odds are definately against it. But I bet you could make a killing in a Vegas casino if you could get odds on that. But could you "take it with you"?

  25. I would have to ask which calendar are you using as under the Christian Calendar the year is 2008, Islam Calendar  has it being year 1428 while the Herbew calender has the year at 5769.  Without knowing which calendar you are referring to the question is unanswerable.  

  26. no because that was 996 years ago - and we're still here

  27. That's a really dumb question. Now it's 2008 and the year 1012 has already past. Whoever said something big will happen you guys have to study more. Seing that its 2008 its quite obvious that the world hasnt ended.

  28. not in 1012 but in 2012...yes... and it scares me :( i think so because the aztec calender ends on a specific day and a specific SECOND... and my friends tried to say "they just wanted to take a coffee break, and forgot to get back to it" but if the calender was so important how could you forget to get back to it?????

  29. Do you mean 2012? And no,because no one can predict when the world will end.

  30. I think you're referring to 2012

    If the world will indeed end, what do you want to now???

    to stop it?? prevent it???

  31. no           im not a religous person   but  no one can perdick when it will end  no one really knows  when   it  stared

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