
Do you think the world will end on 21 December 2012 as foretold by the Mayans??

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Do you think the world will end on 21 December 2012 as foretold by the Mayans??




  1. No. Not anymore than it ended in y2k the year 2000.

  2. No

  3. I think something big could happen.  Maybe not the end of the world, but maybe some major catastrophes on a global scale.  Should be interesting to see what happens as that date approaches.  In the meantime live your life to the fullest, okay?

  4. i read that peace is to come to the world, we will finally feel peace. but what that means, i do not know. lol, December 21st is my exact birthdate.....i love that fact....

    it is up to you whether you think something will happen or not. but i do think something will happen. i do not believe something catastrophic or horrible will happen, that is nonsense in my mind, but i believe whole heartedly in spirituality, bliss, and positivity being our base for creation. i'm going to talk to my psychic/medium teacher about that date, though. she is always right about things in my life, i love her so i trust her very much. she oughta know something about it, i bet!!

  5. No its not the end of the world. It is however the last day of the ancient Mayan calender. And because of this some people have said that huge catastophies will destroy the world. But actually experts in Mayan culture have said that it is just a passing of the earth from one cycle to another. I'll put up a link but it is to wikipedia which is not always the most accurate but it will give you a place to start.

  6. That is NOT what was foretold.  The Mayan calendar ends a CYCLE not the world.

  7. I think that anyone who believes this is not very bright.   This has been going around for some time now, though.

  8. no because the mayans never "foretold" the end of the world in 2012. heres an idea read a d**n book and learn something for yourself

  9. you forgot at  12:00 lunch.

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