
Do you think the worlds going to end?

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Galveston, Texas, California, and South America is going to sink in about 30 years.

Well not sink but become parts of different oceans.

Since three states and contients is already gonna die soon, do you think more states will sink too?

its like the whole world gonna sink down!

We're only going to have, like 47 states left by the time im 50 years old.




  1. i think its comming.. deffinatly.. maybe even in the next 2 generations.

  2. I grew up in Arizona and was told since I was a little kid that California was going to sink and we'd have ocean front property...that was a longggg time ago.  Don't believe everything people tell you.  They want you to live in fear.

  3. Not even your bible the IPCC says that sea levels are going to rise to the levels said by Al Gore, so why do people believe him?  Why do people believe anything that environmentalists say without questioning them?  Just because you question them, does not mean you do not care about the environment.

  4. yea i guess if the ocean raises 30-40 ft parts of florida will be under water i think the movie water world is kinda accurate with global warming n all

  5. The world isn't going to end, at least in the way you described it.  The reason they'll "sink" if at all, is due to the rising sea levels.  Galveston, Texas is a city on the coast, in a situation kind of like New Orleans.  I doubt the entire state of Texas will sink beneath the ocean.  I also doubt California will sink either.  Maybe parts of San Franscisco or the LA Basin, but nothing more.  Maybe bits and pieces of South America, like the rainforest areas in Brazil, will be submerged, but certainly not the entire continent!!

    Global Warming will probably raise the sea levels, but not to the point of engulfing entire continents.  Plus, I have made it my life's goal to create viable hydrogen fuel, so there's nothing to worry about.  I'll get the job done (after college).  =)

  6. Well, the world will definitely end.  The Sun will supernova and that'll be it.  As far as life on Earth though, I think that nature will find a way.  It mat not be humans, but there will be some sort of life.  I just try to find comfort in the thought that this is all part of a natural cycle (aside from our "contributions").  Unfortunately, we don't seem to really appreciate this beautiful planet (and its inhabitants) that we get to share.

  7. fifty years from now lots of things will be differant. we may be populating that newly discoverd planet. or even other yet to be found planets

    We could be living like the show Greens &Things.

  8. Yes and we are accelerating it with all the abuse we cause our mother earth

  9. Of course the world is going to end! Nothing lasts forever.

    If we (humanity) isn't the cause of the end of the world, it will be because the sun, which is currently a young star, will mature into a "Red Giant" which will consume all planets up to about mars.

  10. 30 years that is very optimistic ,most of the predictions are for 2012 ,so better start buying the booze now for the end of the world party

    And relax the world is gonna be OK ,

    climate change(Global warming) is just going to affect all that lives on the surface

    but there are so many other possibilities

    here is my collection of ends of the humanity

    many predictions are for the years between 2012 and 2020

    Nostradamus,the mayas ,Egyptians Jesus ,

    and Terrance Mckennas time wave who put the magnetic output of the world into a computor projection that stopped at zero in 2012,this means the globe has stopped and it starts turning

    the other way ,the resulting change of currents will turn the planet into a giant washing machine cleaning the surface

    then there are the meteors storms (armageddon) ,the gulf of Mexico is the result of one that would have made life exstinct for a while ,this would result in an other ice age because globe gets covered in dust for a few years,blocking out the sun.

    then there are more posible natural disasters

    Volcanos are coming to life everywhere

    the weather has giant storms like hurricanes ,tornados ,tidal waves ,earth quackes

    a shift of the earth crust ,would change the position of the poles

    under Anrarctica were found fosilized tropical plants indication the pole must have been in a different place then (the mainland atlantis is thought to be under it )

    Apart from that , the biggest threat to any species of exstinction is ,when there are too little ,and when there are too many ,so overpopulation is also a threat

    and the USA appears to be gunning for a global nuclear conflict .it is most likely that this will get us first ,looking at present politics

    the planet will probably survive unless humanities bombs result it to be knocked out of its orbit

    so many ends to choose from

    if it wasnt so serious it would be rediculous

    meanwhile enjoy life .and make the most of it at least we are all in the same boat

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