
Do you think their is a strong possibility of terrorist attacks during the Olympic Games?

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I am protesting them for my own personal beliefs but of course I do not condone terrorism. But I think people have been especially upset since Gold medalist speedskater Joey Cheek had his Visa revoked because of his political views and not to mention the issues surrounding the Tibet controversy.




  1. Yes




    China has a way of dealing with those kind of people and I hope that the Middle East people do know that the human body can be used for more things than being put to death


    And no one will ever know what happen to them they just kind of do a David Copperfield Ab-Ra Ca Dab-Ra Poof

    Half your body is gone and you are still alive



  2. Chinese Muslums have already threatened the games. Those Muslums are EVERYWHERE.

  3. If those cowards have something against China for the reason they want, why don't they have the balls to attack government installations instead of taking it on the athletes.  Just this shows how uncivilized, illiterates and blindly fanatical *those* terrorists are.  But hey!!! let's see howand what are they going to do to stop China from retaliation.  China is not the USA where the politically correct liberals only open they mouths to defend the terrorists and whatever they do...

  4. Dear,Tamara the olympic is an international event that involves the whole face of the earth. it thus can not be concluded that this is the apposite time terrorists would think of attacking the event. Further more we all know that the terrorists have all the times targeted American interests but I think China is not so much associated with America. I for this think that attack is not an issue herewith of concern.

  5. No. Why would a terrorist alert somebody of where to attack? Did the kidnapped of Israel athletes in Munich was heard beforehand? Did the American terrorist in Atlanta 1996 was heard beforehand?

    And seriously people needs to get off China's back for revoking Cheeks' visa. He's an Winter Olympian not a Summer Olympian. There's 70 other Athletes who is in his program and it includes Kobe Bryant and Lebron James.

    If China revoke an Olympian  in the 70 athletes who is participating in the Summer's Olympics, that is politically charge and that should be criticize.

  6. I don't want to even think about it, Tibet is far more Democratic than the few Communist Chinese people out there, plus, there will be innocent people around from everywhere in the world so I hope they provide the best security available, even if they're not secure themselves they're the host.

  7. I have been thinking for the past few months that something bad was gonna happen during the olympics! I hope nothing does happen, but I do have a Strong feeling that something will go down.

  8. I don't know..but as we speak Russia and Georgia could be going to war! Who knew that this morning the world was going to witness something other than the opening ceremony...

  9. I don't think there is a strong possibility of a terrorist attack during the Olympic games.  It's China, not the land of the free.  

    I think there's a strong possibility of a terrorist attack in the US before the next election.  

  10. No terrorist attacks, but loads of protestors. Provided that they can be seen

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