
Do you think their will be a bigger Earthquake after the 5.4 that happen a few hours ago?

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Magnitude 5.4 Quake Strikes Los Angeles

The 5.4-magnitude quake -- considered moderate -- was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and as far east as Las Vegas, 230 miles away. Nearly 30 aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at 3.8.




  1. the biggest aftershock was 3.6


    i dont think theres gona be another one...who knows!

  2. Of course there will be. But no one knows whether it will be in one hour or in 10 years....

  3. i don't think so

    but during the earthquake, i was super scared

    i was alone at my house(parents at work, brother at summer school, sisters at their friends house) and i was sleeping. then suddenly the whole place was shaking and i woke up after i fell on the floor i was like super scared that the whole apartment i lived in was going to fall so i ran under the computer desk and all of my shelves were falling and so were the frames, and i started to worry about my family. when it was over, i was like whhhhhhhoooooo and i put on the news

    that was the scariest time of my life

    i hope we dont get a bigger earthquake

  4. Aftershock statistics from USGS, not prediction:

    Triger effect is predicted high possible in both S and N CA

    I felt quake for months ahead of time and still feel uncomfort.

  5. omg i was home alone when that happened...

    my mom has been in a huge earthquake before, and she warnd me that this might have been a pre-shock, and that a bigger one could come within a week.

    i really hope it doesn't, because i dont even like 5.6, which is what it was where i live.

  6. I heard in the news that we should expect a HUGE earthquake in the next decade. Like  magnitude between 7.0-9.0


    Where should we expect it? I don't know! It didn't say. I'm just assuming they meant Southern California.

    I was LA at the time of the earthquake. At first, It was a slow rumbling beneath the earth. Gradually, it went away. I was frantic! I think that was my first earthquake. O.o

    After that, we turned on the news and we were told to expect aftershocks. I didn't feel any one of them. I heard there was slight damage in property but, no significant injury was reported.

    Thank God, it's magnitude was 5.4! At first, they said 5.8, but Caltech officals lowered it.

    Obviously, it's all over the media and it's been the topic of conversation ever since the minute it ended.

    I'm still hearing in the radio about that earthquake.  And the lady just said " It's possible that there could be another one after this." okay..?

  7. According to that chick Kate Hutton at CalTech there is only a 5% chance that this was a pre-shock and nowhere NEAR the big one.  When the big one hits Southern Cali will be a gonner.

  8. i hope there won't be one bigger!  there most likely will be a really large one within the next decade or so.... but..... I just hope another one won't hit for a while!

  9. Sure. Why not they seem to happen everywhere else. This link shows that the number of earthquakes overall is increasing. You have to look at the total number of quakes since 1990. A couple years are off but we still have half a year and this year looks to follow the trend.

  10. it was a 5.8. something that was wierd i have a dog and in the morning it doesnt bark unless it sees anyone. but this morning it was going crazy before the earthquake. it was running all over the back yard barking and i didnt know what was wrong. i wonder if that tied in with the earthquake

  11. Lightening just kicked me out, we'll try again.

         It's not a matter of "if: it's when, in an hour, a week, a month, ten years from now. You know it's going to happen but, "when" ?

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