
Do you think there'll be a war beteween South-North korea?!!!!?

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i just wondered. if there'll be a war, what should i do? (i'm south-korea)

oh~~~ so sacred!!!

and Do you think is it possible for korean to become the one?




  1. No! Because north is strong militarly, and south has support of international community.

    So both fear for their exestance.

  2. It won't happen unless South Korea or North Korea do something bad and that's unlikely. They has stood in peace for 3 decades. And it is very unlikely something is going to change the status quo.

  3. Well, technically the first war never ended. They signed a cease fire but never a peace treaty. They just stopped fighting.

    It could happen again, but I doubt it. North Korea gets a lot of aid from South Korea, and besides that, the international reaction would be swift and fierce. North Korea wouldn't survive

    South Korea would be completely decimated if there was a war again. Seoul is within bombardment range of most of the over 10,000 artillery pieces North Korea has on the border... enough to send hundreds of thousands of shells per hour raining down on the city.

    So.... it is not at all in either sides interest to have hostilities resume. It's like USA and USSR back in the day. War is possible, but neither side would survive in decent enough shape to be able to gloat about it.

  4. anything is possible.

  5. sure are a lot of rumors for war.   isn't that in the bible?

  6. wow first of all I think it's great you know english! As for the issue, there's little chance North and South Korea will have a War. They have remained in peace for decades, even with the demilitarized zone and all. The two countries have somewhat ok relationships, South Koreans even go to North Korea as tourists sometimes.

  7. As likely as Northern Ireland and southern Ireland to become one. In other words no chance. One part does not want it in both cases. All the bombing in the world will never force people to join another that is so different in culture, religion , outlook etc. Its never worked in the past in any country.

  8. Yes. Move to China, which is the safest place to live.

  9. Yes and No.

    What is mainly holding up the sides from going back to the fighting is the allies. The US is allied with South Korea and China is allied with North Korea. China has basically told the North to stop fighting and the US has done the same with the South. If China and the US ever came to blows, I would expect the Korea problem to escalate rather quickly. China would make sure they took out the US military bases in S. Korea and also back an offensive by the North. d**n, world politics.

    But on a positive note, I think there is slim chance of China and the US going to war anytime soon. The US and China economies are so closely tied together now, that it has become a strong deterrent for either side to ever wage war.  

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