
Do you think there'll ever be an Asian superstar/singer in the U.S. anytime soon/in the near future?

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I have been thinking about this for a while since there are are [a lot of] Black guys singers/superstars, White superstar singer guys [obviously] and some Latino/Hispanic singing sensations in the U.S. either at the moment or in the past but the only race that still hasn't ever had the chance/opportunity are the Asians.

Do you think anytime soon in the modern future, there will be one to open the floodgates and we finally will have a superstar of every race?

If you don't think so, what are your reasons?

All answers/views welcome.




  1. Of course, Asia only needs an Asian rock god who is great in Asia as well in the U.S.A. something like the Asian Slash or the Asian Steven Tyler

  2. Does Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) count as a "superstar".....?

    I randomly found this site:

  3. Well, if people continue to support talentless twits, it's only a matter of time.

    Take a look at Tilla Tiquila.  Now, she's asian, twitish, talentless, but definitely has enough s*x appeal that MTV snatched her up.  

  4. yes, actress Zhang Ziyi(house of flying daggers,memoirs of a geisha,hidden dragon and crouching tiger....)is going to marry the billionaire media super rich israeli man who own shares of times warner. and she is already famous in hollywood.

  5. i dont understand what your trying to say? sorry, can you be specific?  

  6. What's with the "black guy/white guy/Latino/Hispanic" stuff? Don't be HATIN'!" Couldn't there be a person of black skin born in Asia, and if s/he could sing and dance, could same person not become a superstar/singer in the U.S.? And if so, would you call that person "black" or "Asian." You are way too hung up on race, my friend. Enjoy your music with closed eyes - it will be twice as enjoyable.

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