To me, love pretty much means, the happiness of that special someone is your happiness, and their sadness is your sadness as well. You would never want to deliberately hurt them. Most importantly, you would never cheat on them because if you truly love someone then you have no eyes for anyone else but them. However, I have started to question if there really is only one definition on this little thing called "love".
I have this friend who has a bf. She seems to love him yet she's always cheating on him. Like I said before, I believe that if you truly love someone you would not be unfaithful to them. But I have come to terms that everyone loves in their own particular way. It seems as if hooking up with other people doesn't hurt what she feels for her bf at all. It's like her heart belongs to him but her body to whomever she wants. She even says she wants to marry him. She's kinda like a guy, she wants to do whatever she wants but wants a good guy waiting for her at home. I know I could never do what she does to him. I would either end up emotionally involved with someone at some point or I would feel very guilty for doing that to him. But she doesn't seem to care one bit, this seems to not affect what she feels for him at all. She still tells him she loves him and she can't seem to live without him.