
Do you think there's a solid definition on love or does everyone love their own way?

by Guest64921  |  earlier

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To me, love pretty much means, the happiness of that special someone is your happiness, and their sadness is your sadness as well. You would never want to deliberately hurt them. Most importantly, you would never cheat on them because if you truly love someone then you have no eyes for anyone else but them. However, I have started to question if there really is only one definition on this little thing called "love".

I have this friend who has a bf. She seems to love him yet she's always cheating on him. Like I said before, I believe that if you truly love someone you would not be unfaithful to them. But I have come to terms that everyone loves in their own particular way. It seems as if hooking up with other people doesn't hurt what she feels for her bf at all. It's like her heart belongs to him but her body to whomever she wants. She even says she wants to marry him. She's kinda like a guy, she wants to do whatever she wants but wants a good guy waiting for her at home. I know I could never do what she does to him. I would either end up emotionally involved with someone at some point or I would feel very guilty for doing that to him. But she doesn't seem to care one bit, this seems to not affect what she feels for him at all. She still tells him she loves him and she can't seem to live without him.




  1. do you realy want to know? or are you just asking random questions again....

  2. who we love and how we love doesnt really matter

  3. I've thought about this a lot, and to me love = appreciation, trust, respect, loyalty, adoration, and willingness to sacrifice things (such as personal flaws) to be with the other person.

  4. A word that is defined anyway anyone chooses to define it, is by definition NOT defined.

    I've heard a lot of lame flowerly self-serving self-contridictory definitions of Love & a few that seem pretty good.  This one is best.    

    Love IS considering the self interest of another as though it were your own.

    It is what allows us to form couples, groups & nations.  Love is essentially the extention of self.

    Your friend IS loved, but does not reall love in return.   Undestand?   She enjoys her boyfriend looking out after her best interest. (Who wouldn't)

    But she isn't really looking out after his best interest. Is she?

    If they marry.  He will support her & her children.  He will look after her self interest.  Which is an expression of Love.  But there's a good chance the children he's providing for won't be his.  So even though she likes him, she's not looking after his interests. Make sense?

    I might say I Love steak.  But that just means I enjoy eating it.

    If I actually Loved cattle, I'd be a vegetarian.

  5. love..  is  what  you  cant  think about!!

  6. In a few languages there are two seperate words--one for erotic emotions and a different one for love for other people, and for a good reason! I could never assume altruism in a romantic relationship, which can be very antagonistic amongst other things.

    As for love in general, I believe each one of us experiences this emotion in a different way and with a different degree of selflessness, which is fine... And I believe we would all be a little happier if we stopped talking about "true, unconditional" love and comparing it with what we believe we don't or will never have in our lives.

  7. ii dont believe in love.

    Just get drunk and makeout with whoever is near.


  8. I don't think there is a solid explanation of love. Because it encompasses everything you stated and so complex depending on situation. People cheat because they have no strong will, not because they don't love enough. It's possible to love more than one person, since nobody is perfect. One might feel the need to fill the void or whatever is lacking with someone else. Maybe your friend finds her bf marrying material but she doesn't have great passion for him. Yet she can't let him go because she loves his other qualities. I'm pretty sure that she loves him and would sacrify a lot for him, except cheating.

    Realistically nobody can love someone entirely, because there is always some fault. The real question is : Can people stay true to a commitment with someone despite all imperfection? So cheating occurs with the lack of control, not by a lack of love. Some people will not cheat because they are determined. But most will because it's an innate drive to strive for the ultimate happiness.

    For example: I always love hot,dark coffee, but sometimes I would drink milk coffee, iced coffee. It doesn't mean I don't love the dark coffee, just that I prefer a variety sometimes. There are people who would rather stick with the original preference. I can stick with just hot dark coffee but it will make me happier if I add the variety.

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