
Do you think there's any way London can surpass the Beijing Olympics?

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I really think they have their work cut out for them. Here's a short list of things they'll need to accomplish to even come close!! -

* Torturing humans who voice out against the government

* Issuing fake passports to female gymnasts who would otherwise be disqualified for their age

* Refusal to provide event tickets to parents of competitors from foreign countries, causing some parents like R. Adlington's to miss their kid's gold-medal events

* Ordering thousands of citizens to spend 2 months without pay to comb out hundreds of miles (est. 670 tons) of algae bloom slicks out of the water from mass pollution

* Detaining and deporting visitors who voice out against government policies

* Ordering food servers in the Olympic Village to pull dog meat off the menu

* Removing the opening ceremony's female anthem singer and replacing her with a 7 year-old stand-in to lip synch because she's "pretty" enough

* Constructing 60-foot partition walls with forest scenes on them to hide the catastrophic environmental state of their city

* Influencing judges to produce heavily biased subjective scores in gymnastics

* Having tremendous breaches in security in order to allow an easily apprehendable crazy nut stab 2 visiting tourists from another country and kill one

This will be tough - get to work, London!!! =D




  1. They colonized North America and committed genocide on the native population.

    They've colonized Africa and enslaved its people for 300 years.

    They invaded India and colonized them, forcing them into servitude for 100 years.

    They shipped millions of pounds of opium into China, Japan, and Korea, then fought wars to defend the opium trade.

    They sent warships to take over ports in China and Japan.

    The British surpass China by a long shot

  2. lol i dont think we can keep up with that

  3. After they tried to steal the sacred flame from the person carrying it? yeeeah moi don't think so. Aucune façon dans l'enfer.

    And for your information. Tibetans/protesters are terrorists, ok. The Dalai freakin Lhama is an instigator. Anyone with an abstract rational mind would know that Tibet is part of China.

  4. Haha, why are all of these people taking it so seriously? It's not like these things are untrue. China did all of these things; they shouldn't be making excuses for them.

    And, you forgot about ignoring the places destroyed by the earthquake and saying that all of those children represented the different ethnic groups when in fact they were all only one group.

  5. Ok...where's the "long" list?  

  6. Yeesh... pull that bug out of your butt.

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