
Do you think there's hope for Mother Earth?

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we are all aware that our planet is on the verge of destruction due to our own shortcomings. do you think we could still change this situation?




  1. This is my personal opinion so there is no one else to blame if this sounds incorrect -

    The earth will do well, it will survive - and thrive! The planet has undergone huge upheavals in its life and overcome all of them quite well. We humans are wreaking some level of havoc on it at present. If people continue this onslaught it is a possibility that human beings will wipe themselves out by 'creating' a planet that will not sustain human life. This being the case, we will leave in the fifth inning instead of staying for the whole 'game'. The planet will survive this and, over time, will rebound with added energy. We will not destroy the earth but we may end our stay here prematurely. I hope that I'm wrong. Good question! Thanks.

  2. We will disappear just like the dinosaurs did, evolution will start all over again...

  3. I think we can and can't. I think with a lot of countries it can really take convincing. Factories and oil companies can make big profits. It's the base of some countries. I think though, that if we all can realize what the future might be like, we can pull together. If we reduced the destruction of the rainforest, that can really help. They supply lots of oxygen. I think that since today is Earth Day, maybe people can pledge not to drive a fews days a month. It can save you money and reduce emissions. It's a hard thing to stop, but I think that if we pull together, we can save the world. It doesn't have to mean world peace, but simply a matter of showing that we care.

  4. Oh, Mother Earth will be just fine.

    Once all of it's inhabitants destroy themselves by pollution and global wars, famine and disease, she will simply go through a cleansing process whereby she will renew herself by flushing away the remaining garbage and debris, reestablishing new life forms that will adapt to her new environment...and so, the process will begin once more.

  5. Yes there is hope but we all have to do our part.

  6. Absolutely!!!!! The earth will go on and on, we are nothing but a antagonistic rash that she will inevitably shake off. The earth is in a cleansing mode, one of her talents she has demonstrated over and over. While it is most definitely true that we have helped throw the earths delicate ecological system off balance she's been there before. As the guardians of this planet we have allowed greedy humans to rape and steal her precious life giving gifts, and give nothing in return....we have failed her miserably, if she can survive, which I'm sure she will, it's up to her to make the choice if man stays or goes.

    ... hope for her yes...hope for us?....if she can or will forgive us.

  7. UHHHH!!  We are ALL not aware that "our planet is on the verge of destruction due to our shortcomings".   Unless your "shortcomings" precipitate a nuclear world war, there isn't much we, as humans, can do to cause the destruction of the planet.  This is more likely to occur by collision with an asteroid or from a massive solar flare than from any human action.    Isn't it a bit egotistical to think you are so powerful?

  8. Soon, she may shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

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