
Do you think there's no god but something else?

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I dont think there's a god but I do think there is some else that is watching over us. I think are advances in technology are a little bit of proof. If we can make cell phones and lap tops cant a other race of alien life form do the same but is way more advanced. Such as all ready figuring out intergalactic travel am I crazy for thinking this way or do you kind of agree.




  1. There's nothing to suggest a god *or* anything else 'watching over us'.

  2. yea, well thats kind of the same concept. i believe that there is a god or some gods (there's gotta be someone out there) just not in the sense that any of these popular religions believe in the god. i don't believe it is this all powerful being that acts like a fruity old man.. i think of it as just there like a force (lol not the starwars force, i just cant think of another word) kind of like karma but more evolved.

    so i would say that i believed in god if it weren't for all the religious nuts twisting the word so much... so i would have to say that i don't believe in "the god" just the magic super karma alien-otic force that keeps everything in order.

    lol also, im sorry about my grammer its 3:30am and i can't even talk normally much less type. and i'm too tired to go over it and fix the stuff that's weird.

  3. That explains the unexpected abduction and anal probing....geez

  4. if theres no god but maybe theres someone watching over us, then...

    believe in god.  if you are wrong and god isn't the one ruling over us, then worst case scenario = you're just a fool. big deal.

    if you don't believe in god but he just so happens to exist.  worst case scenario = you're f*cked.  so why not just believe in god. lol

  5. your not crazy, there is more and more talk of this all the time, i don't think of god as a person but the energy of love, loves pure light is the only way i can explain it.

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