
Do you think there are being with other senses...

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other than the five we possess... and if so, what kind of weed are you smoking?? sike! just playing. if u could think outside the box for a minute, what do you think the other senses would be like. i wanna see paragraphs and essays and all that, and no, im not using this for a class assignment, im just curious to see what other people think. i think they might have senses that sense heat and energy expelled from other beings, but not necessarilly and "touch" type sense, something beyond touch, and energy thing..




  1. everything in the universe is energy (e=mc^2) so undoubtedly no matter what the sense is it is sensing energy, just as all 5 of ours are.

    whether other animals can have extra sense or not depends on what's your criteria for a sense. just the sense and reaction? or does the animal need to also be aware of the sense. if it needs to also be aware of the sense, then the only other one i can think of is the sonar of dolphins.

    but for unaware animals, bats have radar, fish have a lateral line that detects vibrations similarly to our ears. sharks can detect magnetic fields, i think hammerheads can detect electro-magnetic fields as faint as those created by living creatures. lots of others animals have variations of the senses we have but slightly different, but that's all really i can think of that are completely different from ours.

    also though some humans are wired strangely and end up having like for example your vision part of the brain wired together with your sound portion, causing you to be able to see sound and stuff like that.

  2. wow, Small sounds like that guy on the disney channel who used to answer science questions by mail.

  3. There could be six or more senses. I think only certain individuals have the extra senses. The senses would be the various forms of ESP.  

  4. That would be like sharks being able to smell minute amounts of blood from miles away in a torrid ocean.  Sharks feeling the electrical charges from animals hidden under the sand of the sea floor.  Sensing when your child is out of your sight and you know they have been hurt.  It is all happening on our own planet, there is no reason it could not be happening in the space and universes around us.

  5. Great question!!

    To begin with, I feel as though my wife has a sixth sense of reading my mind. That aside, there is clear evidence that there are other beings who have a capability beyond our normal range of sensing some of the five senses we are privileged with. But is there enough evidence to say there is indeed a sixth or a seventh sense too? Perhaps not, but I find it difficult to rule it out completely. However, our imagination seems limited to think beyond the five..... and sort of rejects prima facie the possible ideas like sensing the immediate future in advance, or sensing something long past or sensing the movement of something at a distance beyond the range of sight or hearing etc. etc. Is it possible that some of our pets are able to sense our anger or fear as it arises in our mind?

    Thanks for a really imaginative question which throws up weird possibilities but no real answers!!

  6. ah, yes. I occasionally have permissions.

    It happens when my being momentarily crosses the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world.  

  7. Some animals have senses that humans do not, including the following: Electroception, Echolocation, Magnetoception, Pressure detection, Polarized light detection, etc

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