
Do you think there are extra terrestrials amongst us taking on human form?

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Do you think there are extra terrestrials amongst us taking on human form?





  2. Does material come from an infinite past or does a God?

    Its more logical that a God does.

    No there are no aliens among us.

  3. Yes. I am an extra-terrestrial. Each atom of my body was formed in the space a while after the big bang.

  4. While you never know what is possible, I don't think that there is any reason to think such a thing.

  5. of course, george bush is an example . He is on a different planet all the time.

  6. No.

    While "Star Trek" makes flying between stars seem easy, nobody has worked out how to do it. At present speeds of our rockets, it would that thousands of years and many tons of fuel to get to the nearest star. Even at the speed limit of the universe (light at 186.000 miles a second) it would still take years. First problem, just getting here.

    Earth's DNA has evolved to support carbon based life forms. It's evolution is no doubt unique. The same would be true of another planet's DNA. In fact, silicon would seem to work as well as carbon to support life.Second problem, getting matching DNA.

    While most science fiction has bipeds with sensory organs on top life on another planet won't follow this path. There are, through mutation, genetic drift, and either or choices simply no way humans will evovle on another planet. If earth was to start over, it's a sure bet humans would never come along. Third problem, simply being able to recognize an intelligent life form.

    You have to assume that some race has evolved with similar DNA and somewhat like humans (you can't fit a blue whale into a human disguise.) Then assume they are able to fly here from another star (with similar gravity, radiation, and light) to do what? Abduct humans and stick needles in them? Kill cattle and cut stuff off? Give me a break.

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