
Do you think there are life on other planets?

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i think it is possible.. i dont think we are the only planet by soo many planets ( and there are planets past pluto but they just could not get there yet ) that we are the only life? i dont think its possible..and i dont think aliens look like those green things but maybe they look different and creepy ..what do you guys think? and no stupid answers please im being serious.




  1. Please, Spiritual Paradigm Shift. Yeah we may not have evidence of alien life, but do you have evidence there ISN'T? Your links prove nothing, as well as "Project Bluebeam" or whatever you are trying to put into this little girls mind. As a matter of fact, I DO highly believe there's life on other planets. Such a shame for people to think we're the only ones. Especially to the point where those people expose their stupidity to the internet (cough). I mean come on, out of all the planets, galaxies and stars WE are the only life out there? I think our Creator is waaayyy smarter than that. And if we are, let me tell you, that saddens me.


    After you thoroughly contemplate the above, you will see that the best and most reasonable solution is that we are the ONLY game in town...


  3. It isn't impossible, until I see an alien from or on another planet I can't say for certain to anyone, not even to myself. For now I'm waiting for a ship to park in Earth's orbit and I'm waiting for an anouncement that says, "bacteria and virus discovered on Mars." However, I am pretty confident that there are other planets which will support life, even if they're dead ocean / desert / icecap worlds right now. Once we find one and can travel there, we can colonize it right away.

  4. yes i believe in extraterrestrial life and i believe they are visiting Earth but in todays world if you talk about "aliens" for the most part your thought of as insane and ridiculed which is unfortunate.

  5. I do.  There's something called Drakes equation that calculates just by sheer odds, there must be other life out there.

    I think it's quite likely that there are many planets with life on it, just not necessarily intelligent tool using life forms advanced enough (or primitive enough) to use radio.

  6. I think there i almost definitely life beyond Earth, even if it isn't intelligent life, though there's a good chance of that too, though my imagination isn't good enough to dream up what these organisms would look like or the worlds they come from

  7. Anybody who thinks we are alone is very egocentric.  It is equivalent to thinking everything revolves around the Earth.

    Then, we have Dr. Mitchell,who walked on the moon,who just said aliens are here and the government has covered it up.  He is no crackpot and will be hard to repudiate.

  8. Yes

  9. yes..I do...I just hope there aren't aliens. But I do believe there are organisms like bacteria or foilage's said that where theres water there are living organisms and water was recently found on Mars I think it I believe somewhere on that planet there is living stuff. However, on all planets? No. Saturn would be nearly impossible to have ANY form of life.

  10. Yes I believe there are life on other planets. I just don't think that God would waste his time making all those beautiful planets not to hav someone on them to take care of them. Unless those are to one day be our Heavenlly homes when we die? Or maybe they are to be our future homes after we destroy earth!

  11. I believe that there are alien life forms on other planets. And just case you didn't know, 'alien' really means another life form not from the planet it is on, it was carried over or traveled somehow from someplace else. That's what I mean by aliens, not 'little green dudes', but other life. I believe it is very egotistic to believe we are the ONLY living organisms in an INFINITY of space. But, of course, everyone is intitled to their opinion. :)

  12. There are probably trillions of planets.  Life is probably very common at least at the bacterial level on many of these planets.  .  Life on earth started early but remained virtually unchanged for over 3 billion years.  This is a major percentage of the amount of time any planet has to develop life.  On earth animal life developed less than a billion years ago and only has about another billion years left before it goes extinct.  

      Earth has nearly ideal conditions for life.  It is very unlikely other planets share these advantages.

      1.  correct size.  Too large= too much atmosphere and no life.  Too small = no atmosphere and no life

      2.  correct orbital position.  Earth is in the sun's habitable zone.  It receives  sufficient energy to develop oceans of liquid water.  No water=no life.

      3.  Earth has a moon.  A fairly large one which is the result of a chance collision with a mars sized planet.  Without a moon the Earths temperature extremes would be such that life would probably be impossible

      4.  Earth is made of heavy elements.  Many galaxies are too element poor to allow the development of planets.

       5.  Earth is far enough from the center of the galaxy to avoid the almost constant chance of sterilization.

       6.  Earth developed a magnetic field thanks to its iron core.  Without that life could never develop due to the solar radiation sterilizing the surface.

      7.  Amazing luck:  there are no nearby supergiant stars to supernova.  No gamma ray bursters in the neighborhood.  No major asteroid impacts since the precambrian and a useful impact at the end of the mesozoic without which we would not exist.  Somehow our ancestors survived the dozen or so major extinctions that have nearly killed all life on earth.  

      8.  Having a Jupiter sized planet where Jupiter should be.  None of the new solar systems we have discovered seem to have this feature and they will be lifeless.  Some of their Jupiters seem to have migrated to the inner system where they probably destroyed any inner rocky planets.  Jupiters defend the inner planet against most asteroid impacts due to the strength of their gravitational pull.  

    9.  Correct star:  To have life you need a very stable star with a reasonable lifetime and a reasonably sized habitable zone.  In our system of classification only G class stars are ideal for this although its possible that some F and K stars could work.  Still stellar type seriously limits the possibilities for life bearing worlds.  

    10.  On earth it seems to have required two super iceages called snowball earth events, each almost 100% fatal to life, to produce the conditions for Eukaryote cells.  If this is common the chances for intelligent life elsewhere is reduced alarmingly.

    And please ignore "arrogance" or "waste of space" arguments.  They are silly and are based on quips, not any intelligent discussion.  Still many alien fan boys use these arguments as if they were divine word. Very few people now make the argument that we are the sole intelligence because of Gods special favor.  Once popular, That argument is just SO 19th century. And you certainly wont get it from me.  I'm a pure agnostic.

  13. There isn't any real evidence for life on other planets.

    However, I wouldn't say it's impossible, as you've said, there are lots and lots of planets; it's quite possible that one of them has life on it.

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