
Do you think there are more people in the US with above average, below average, or average IQ?

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Why does it seem so many people then act and think like their IQ is below average? I don't really think it's a stupid question - - and of course I remember norms from psychology class. There just seems to be a trend towards dumbness, that's all.




  1. Most people are nicely and comfortably within the average range of 90 to 109.

  2. IQ is normalized so that the average IQ is 100, and half the people in the US are above that and half are below.  However, if you look at all the people on yahoo answers, I doubt you'll find more than 10% who would report an IQ less than 100.  That's most likely at least partially due to the fact that they are reporting internet IQ scores, which are NOT normalized to the general population and report, on average, much higher scores.

  3. I definately think that people are allowed to act like they have a lower than average IQ much more than they should. I mean, just look at the way people drive...

  4. lolol

    by defination there are as many above and below,  that is where the average comes from.

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