
Do you think there are more people living in the world or there ae more songs produced ???

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Do you think there are more people living in the world or there ae more songs produced ???




  1. More songs produced!

  2. There are more people in the world than professionally produced songs.

    But, there are more songs in the world than people since people can sing more than one song and since we all like to hum a tune now and then.  Also we still have some of the songs from the past.

    It is pretty easy to make a song; even cavemen did it by simply banging on hollow logs.  Music has long been a component of society, from traditional ceremonies to entertainment.  The number of songs that have been made has to be over the billions.  If you count the songs still being sung, the songs that were once written, the traditional songs used in ceremonies and the songs written by those who want to be composers then you get a over a terabyte of songs; larger than the Library of Congress.

    We still have songs from our past; Yankee Doodle Dandy dates from the American Revolutionary War, London Bridges Falling Down is even older and from one of the historical plague eras.  Native people's songs date back even further; but you won't find a written catalog of them.  Then there is the huge, uncountable number of songs that were lost from the past.  Only a tiny fraction of them were ever written down and they are now a lost part of history.

    If you count the number of songs that have been professionally produced though even those from the past we still have more people living in the world today (6-7 billion).  It would be impossible to count the number of songs ever sung and nearly impossible to count the number of songs ever written down and sung by others.

    The big thing you have to remember is out population boom.  There are more people alive today than have ever lived through out all of history.  Not too many of us are singers, but if the international craze of shows like “American Idol” are any indication a lot of people wish they WERE singers.

    Then number of professionally produced songs will never exceed the population the publishing industry is just to small for that and the recording industry is only a fraction of it.  With the web there will be more songs available; Weird Al’s last hit was released on the Internet first.  However, most people in the world don’t have Internet Access (just count rural China and India, throw in Africa and those in rural Middle East and other countries as well as those who are too poor or just don’t want a computer).  If we keep good records then the number of published songs will someday exceed the population (the population boom is starting to level off).  However, the number of songs that have ever been sung will always out number the population, probably the entire number of people who have ever lived.

  3. more songs produced... i think

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