
Do you think there are two types of good writers?

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One may be able to whip up a story within minutes if they have to and that is commendable. but i think a true writer writes from the heart and it has to be inspired. some people can just write good stories when asked. but i think the better writers are the ones who can't do it on command. they need inspiration and the right mood.

what are your thoughts on this?




  1. The best writers are the ones that write from the heart, write something personal that they feel invested in.

    The person that just whips up a story may not create as interesting prose.  

    Then again some people need a prompt in order to write something...

  2. i agree!

  3. I think talent is talent.

    Why should it really matter how they write, as long as they are good?

    I understand your point, it's a passion vs. talent issue. I prefer authors that have both, but if I had to choose, I'd choose passion.

  4. I think that surely I would be impressed by the writer who could compose a story on command; in my opinion such a talent is inherent, the result of an "ability-to-write" gene which the person has inherited.  However, I believe that the same ability holds true for the writer who is  apparently inspired from within and composes a novel over a lengthy time period.  A real writer, though, is very possibly able to do both.  To produce a lengthy novel will require time, naturally, but prolific authors follow a formula very possibly and can produce "product" with great speed (James Patterson is a primary example; he can apparently write books "on command" and has thereby created for himself a supremely lucrative career.  Are his books classics, though?)  My concept of successful writing is to produce writings (a la Shakespeare, for instance) which will be relevant in a thousand years!  Does the modern writer desire to become wealthy or to achieve critical renown?

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