
Do you think there is a better customer service at the supermarket or your local shop?

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Do you think there is a better customer service at the supermarket or your local shop?




  1. In my case it's the local, without a doubt.  We're on a first name basis and have been for years and any time I like I can ring Dave up and tell him what I want and by the time I get down there, 10 minutes (max) later, it's all bagged up and ready to go.  One more thing, if I've left my card at home and haven't got the cash, it's good for next time I'm in, no worries at all.  We often have a beer together in the pub of an evening with the rest of the locals.

    Don't know anybody in the supermarket.  I rarely go there anyway.

  2. Local definitely. Supermarkets tend to rush you by the checkout.

  3. my local grocery great on customer service..some of the friendliest people i have ever seen in my i just moved to south georgia and i am not used to people being so freakin friendly trying to carry your groceries to your car and all that its..a big change

  4. local shop every time

  5. Both are ok where I live.

  6. Our local shop keepers know us better than them at sainsbury but then I prefer it if I'm on a bender to but booze from the supermarket for anonymity. Local for a bit of bacon, superstore for nicking sweets and getting trashed

  7. Local shop.

  8. Our local shop staff ignore you when serving, at least the supermarket staff as sains talk to you.

  9. I get good treatment from both local shops & supermarkets.   If you are pleasent to staff I find they are pleasent to me.

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