
Do you think there is a bigfoot out there somewhere?

by  |  earlier

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or Yeti, or sasquash




  1. I seen this show on TV where these two sheriffs were friends and they went camping in Oregon. This bigfoot was throwing rocks at them and they swore on everything they seen it. so a team of investigators went back to the spot they were camping. It was about 6 miles back in the woods and the one sheriff didn't even want to go back, He was crappin his pants. Sure enough,in a far distance you could see something but not clearly.20 seconds later a big rock comes flying at them and ends up in the back of their pickup truck. Nobody knew they were there and you needed ATV's to get back there ,you would hear someone coming if they were messin with them. It happened about 4 more times with the rocks and they got the h**l out of there. I was even scared. It wasn't no bull-c**p,something was there. Who knows for sure but bears and deer don't aim rocks at you. LOL

  2. I don't just believe, I know with out a shadow of doubt that big-foot creatures are real and exist in many area's through-out this world........

  3. I don't even know if they exist.

  4. It would be really neat if it were true but lets think about this for just a moment.  Is it possible that there are nine foot tall hairy men who numbering in the thousands, needed for a breeding population, stomping around the United States and nobody has ever so much as been able to get a single piece of physical evidence after over 40 years of looking?  By physical evidence I mean a body or body part and not some plaster cast of a foot or fuzzy picture or out of focus video.  

    Consider that the best evidence that people who believe in bigfoot most often bring up is the Patterson Film,  That was shot in 1967 by a couple guys who rented a movie camera for a weekend with the expressed intent of filming bigfoot,,, and then did.  That alone should get the alarm bells ringing but consider that over the next 40 years we have had digital, video and motion sensor cameras become popular and still nobody has been able to get a shot as "good" as the Patterson film.  Add to that the fact that people who helped Patterson fake his bigfoot film have come forward and you realize that there isn't any credible evidence for bigfoot being real.  So is there a bigfoot out there somewhere?  I'm sorry but I think the answer is "no".  Saying anything else requires a leap of faith based upon nothing more than wishful dreaming.

  5. yes

  6. yes i have 2 big feet

  7. Yes, the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization lists bigfoot sightings by state, as well as other interesting information.

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