
Do you think there is a connection??

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1)Aztecs calender(which predicted the arrival of the spanish amry) predicting something big to happen with the "sun" in 2012.

2)Alot of christians believe that the signs(according to the bible) are in place in which "god" will cleanse the earth of "fire"

3) Global "warming" The earth is warming up. blame it on pollution blame it on the location of the sun or whatever but, the world is warming.

Ok.... if your gonna say something about kool aid or tin hat, just know, atleast(unlike you) i'm thinking with my own grey matter and not just spouting out something i've heard that sounded good.... i don't mind joking beyond that..... and serious thoughts are actually what i'm seeking.




  1. Well as for #3, the earth has been slowly warming for hundreds of thousands of years.

  2. I think you mean the Mayan calender.I'm not worried about it.The Spanish invasion was not predicted.Like most civilizations the priests predicted an end.It was to be white and come from the sea.The Spanish loosely fit.Their calender ends on that day.No prediction of the end came with it.The world has heated and cooled many times in it's history.Maybe we're causing it this time,but there's nothing mystical about it.Christians have been predicting the end of the world off and on since the death of Christ.I'm not worried they're right this time.Bottom line enjoy your life,however long it is.

  3. Actually, the Aztecs believed that the 3rd Epoch ended with a fire.  We are currently in the 5th Epoch of the Aztecs, which ends in December 2011.  The 5th Epoch is the Sun of Earthquake, and, obviously, ends with a great earthquake that destoys all humans.  The Aztecs believed that humans have been destroyed on this earth 4 times in the past, but that humans have risen again.  The 5th and final epoch will see the final devastation of mankind, according to the Aztecs.

    Fire and brimstone have been a cornerstone in the Christian religions for centuries, and there is an association between fire, heat, and eternal damnation in Christianity.  I don't believe that there has ever been any specific timing associated with the end of the world in Christianity.

    It's really hot outside tonight, and, yes, the world's average temperature is rising.  I agree that we need to keep an eye on this issue for the sake of wildlife and humanity.

    Are these things related?  The sources are very different, and, as I described, there isn't any specific timing offered except in the case of the Aztecs who thought that fire has already destroyed humans about 15000 years ago.  There may be some global catastrophy coming, and it may have been predicted or forseen.  Some people say Nostradamus predicted an upcoming calamity.  Others point to the book of Revelations in the Bible.  I have not seen a convincing connection between any predictions to make me believe that we are seeing anything more than humans looking for patterns in the world around them.

  4. Actually, global warming happens periodically in the Earths natural state anyway; has something to do with sun and the solar flares, etc.

    Basically every culture and religion has "End Days" concepts; so yes, there is a connection.

    I recommend Zecharia Sitchins book the 12th planet as a place to start.

  5. There is a connection between future,  God's sons and signs. Also there is a connection between "sun" ( 2012 ), "fire"

    and  Global "warming". Etc. So, there are a lot of connections between elements you have named. Those elements make a circle. The key could be line from the film "Before the Rain": "The circle is not round. Time never dies." Mmmmm!

  6. i think it all depends of how these events and prophecies

    are incorporated into everyone's points of view .some people

    would say yes,some will say no,other's would say maybe,and

    so on...

    According to Mayan calendrics, December 21, 2012 is a critical juncture, indicating the culminating point of the 26,000 year cycle of Homo Sapien evolution. On the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun will exactly conjunct the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic equator, while also closely conjuncting the exact the center of the galaxy


    Armageddon,is the final climactic battle between God, also known as YHWH Elohim, and Satan the Devil, written in the Book of Revelation in the Christian New Testament, or more generally, an apocalyptic catastrophe.


    The following events are identified as global warming fingerprints;

    Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather

    Ocean warming, sea-level rise and coastal flooding

    Glaciers melting

    Arctic and Antarctic warming

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