
Do you think there is a relationship on how strong and prosperous a nation is and lack of corruption?

by  |  earlier

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or how weak a nation is or going to become can be related to the amount of corruption in a nation? What is your proof and argument for or against this theory?




  1. The correlation can be assessed with our personal, community and nation. I do agree with you!

  2. The suggest empiric evidence yes. I live in a country where corruption is  way of life. Some politicos is arrested every day for taking bribes.. Corruption is a negation of democracy.a

  3. No! There are evil and weak people in every system.

  4. Corruption?

    It depends on the interpretation of that individuals

    mind set of corruption?

    Some people think nothing of allowing gas price to go up

    to serve a few. This is not corruption to them, it's just

    business as usual.

    Another example is Haliburtion. No arms length investigation put in place there either. Most of the corruption in government

    has been done out in the open as in the "Emperor has no clothes on" they don't see corruption here.

    Harris in Florida, Jeb the governor.

    They felt no corruption, just business as usual.

    Lawyer-gate. They were fired. Business as usual.

    So it's the level of what whomever is in charge, considers

    the degree of corruption?

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