
Do you think there is any danger from being in a daddy daughter roleplay 24/7?

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I have metand been talking to this man for a few weeks now. I told him I had a dominant daddy fetish and he said he did too and was very experianced. When I met him he requested a list of sme of my ideas. He is also 40 and I am 19. I could tell in his demeanor that he is very daominant, his body language and speech. I want to see if this can be a good learning experiance and daddy doms really can help a person develope structure. God knows I need structure and a ittle discipline. My question is there anyone who has been in this scenario and can give helpful tips? or Anyone who can tell me if they tink I should go with this man in this relationship or stay where I am at my ex'es house (we are good friends he still gets jealous and angry ocasionally)




  1. Eeeewww! yuck!

    It would be so one dimensional and boring. Have a fun fling if you think that you'll enjoy the experiment but don't get stuck in that rut.

    How can you develop structure and discipline if someone else is imposing it on you rather than you working out for yourself what works for you?

  2. What will really help you develop structure in your life is an honest relationship with a loving individual. It doesn't have to do with the s*x or the roles that you two take on, but the respect and the partnership that you two develop along the way. You know what I mean?

    In the meantime, experimenting with being a sub to his dom can be beneficial in some ways. If you take it a little further than just daddy/daughter and go into fullblown dom/sub relationship, giving over control of yourself to someone can have a beneficial effect on your psyche. It can relax you, make you feel safe, and give you a chance to unload your daily stresses onto someone else in a loving environment.

    But I wouldn't expect just a certain kind of roleplay to fix all your problems, or to ultimately make you a better person.

    Also, since you've only known this guy for a few weeks you should NOT go off and start living with him so soon. If you don't think you can live with your ex anymore then apply for an apartment of your own or look for a roommate. It would be completely inappropriate and stupid to run off with this guy after only knowing him for such a short time. Date first, have s*x if you want, roleplay if you want, but don't let him take over your life just yet.  

  3. OMFG!!  Where is the role play you are young enough to be this guys daughter.  

    You need a therapist and he needs a long prison sentence

  4. Personally, I think this situation is sick, it is not normal, you need help and he needs help, do not hook up with this sicko, and get help, you need to stay away from him, and you need to get psychological help.

    And so does he.

    This is a very sick situation and you do need help and you need to stay away from him, and you need to talk to a psychologist about your past and get help.

    That is not a normal way to live your life.

    Your past is not normal, you need to deal with that and then when you do, you will be able to deal with the future now, and you will see the light in not dealing with the likes of this guy!!!

    Please get help for your past and your future!!!!

    You will be better off!!!!!!

  5. What the h**l are you talking about??? I have NEVER heard of anything like this! WTF!

  6. I think the whole situation is so many ways!

  7. thats gross!

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