
Do you think there is any kind of life but us in the universe?

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Do you think there is any kind of life but us in the universe?




  1. Life is not only possible on other worlds, many scientists state it is highly likely.

    The abundance of organic molecules in space, and the apparently common formation of planets around all different types of stars statistically makes life very likely.

    Finding it is something else altogether.

  2. To paraphrase a line from the movie Contact, if there were no other life on any other planet in the universe, wouldn't that just be a huge waste of space?  

    Techincally there is life proably just about everywhere, but you just have to look hard enough and small enough.  I'm sure Venus has microscopic organisims, and Mars probably does too.  Jupiter and Saturn, not so much, but there may even be something growing on Pluto!  Think of the extremes we have on Earth, there are microbes living in all sorts of environments that nothing else could exist in.

  3. I would say "not in our solar system", but perhaps in another solar system.

    There could be life out there in an alternative universe.  Space is so big....its kinda weird to think that in the eternity of space "we" are the only living beings.

    I also don't think its likely that we'll make a discovery of life in other galaxies or solar systems, because we are still exploring our own.

  4. Yes--- the universe is so large and has so many stars that it is not conceivable for life NOT to exist in many other places throughout the 156 BILLION light year wide universe.

    Watch this YouTube video--

  5. no i think earth is the only place with life because mars and the other planets beyond earth is too cold and mercury and venus are too close to the sun and things would burn up

  6. It would be ignorant to assume not.

  7. yes because although mars may be to far away it still had water on it and plus black holes lead to different dimensions wich could have life there

  8. im sure.. somewhere out there

  9. I'm not sure. Some people say that wherever there is water, there is life. I can't remember the planet but that may be true; wherever there is water, there is life.

  10. yes theres billion of galaies with BILLIONS of stars in eacth of those galixies and planets around those stars so yes were no that important

  11. ya! the universe is so amaxingly huge that we may never find out for sure though.

  12. It is pure conjecture regarding the existence of other life but it would be very arrogant of us to believe that we are the only life forms, not only that but the law of averages is against the notion of no other life, just in our Galaxy alone there are 400 Billion plus stars with innumerable planets that are unknown to us, that notwithstanding there is also the fact that there are also Billions of other Galaxies like our own out there.

    So the possibility is definitely there for more life.

    Will we find life in our life time? No one knows, we may not even find life in the time that our planet or Solar System has left, approx 22 billion years.

    Eventually other life forms will make themselves known or we will in some distant future devise ways to transcend the vast distances of space.

    But till then we look up and hope.

  13. lol the first guy is hilarious.  Of course there is!  I mean think about it, there's billions of galaxys each with billions or even trillions of stars, many of which have planets.  If you continue to divide this to how many may have habiatble planets, life, and intelligent still end up with billions of intelligent lifeforms in the universe.

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