
Do you think there is any point in me going to a drama school?

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I have heard a few people say it is one of the most over-subscribed courses ever, and that there is very little work at the end of it. Is this true?




  1. I think drama schools can get you very far, my sisters went to one and they really enjoyed it i think you should give it a go :)

  2. It is so not true that it is very little work. It is a lot of work. Usually you'd expect to start at around 10 and end at 7 from Monday to Friday. Unless you require special courses as well like speach and singing for example.

    If you want to be an actor/actress it is a very good idea to take a drama course. As by the end of it (if it's a good school) you will obtain a qualification that will really help you get an agent and book jobs.

    It doesn't guarantee you any jobs, but it sure helps. If you have a qualification, you can be listed on It is the site that lists all working actors and this is the site that many people in the industry use to find actors.

  3. Not if you have that much self-doubt

  4. Take it from me, I have been acting since I was 8 (that's over 16 years now), and NOTHING guarantees you top jobs.  You could be studying under God himself and that still won't guarantee you a commercial spot.  

    Watch interviews from your favorite actors and see what they all say about how they got there.  Hard Work, Determination, and busting your a*s.  

    I have been in acting school since I was 8, and the reason I got where I am today?  Because I networked, made connections with everyone I could (even the little people, make friends and don't s***w people over), and just basically knowing the right person.  YES, having a drama background and talent helps, but knowing the right people is what gets you the gigs.

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