
Do you think there is anything wrong with going back to visit your former high school teachers?

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What do you think of certain schools that refuse to allow former students from visiting their former teachers?




  1.   I think it is good to go back and visit your former High School Teachers. Obviously I think they should have to register in the school office in order to go see them but they should be allowed. Many times when a person is in school they take their teachers for granted and it feels like a thankless job. It is easy to become discouraged as a teacher when you feel you are not reaching your students. To have one come back and talk to you, makes you feel  like you just might be making a difference. That's the reason teachers become teachers. It certainly isn't because of the pay!

    I think schools that do not allow this, are doing their teachers a disservice and also their future students. A teacher has to maintain their passion to continue to teach well and having a student come back and tell them that they made a difference in their lives goes a long way in helping them maintain that passion.

  2. I don't know of any school that won't let you visit your previous high school teachers. I can probably guess a few reasons why they might have rules such as this. To prevent stalking of the teachers. To prevent relationship with teachers and students that are or might lead to romantically being involved. To avoid disruptions if a teacher is popular they may have a few students each day or each week that stops by to see them. I don't see anything wrong as long as the teacher doesn't have people seeing them everyday and the person signs in at the front office so as not to suprise or stalk the teacher and should anything happen have a name and face the office can then give to the police to track down. I think it is a wonderful thing to visit previous teachers and I know firsthand that teachers love it it shows the teacher that they really impacted someone so much that they so are willing to come back and say hello and tell them how much they helped them or inspire them.

  3. I don't think that they cannot prohibit this.  After all, when one graduates high school, it means that the people are adults.  This will be a friend to friend relationship at this point.  I think that if the school tries to prohibit this, and you really want to visit, you may want to choose a venue for meeting that is not the school campus where they work.   By choosing a different venue, and communicating via the teachers personal e-mail or phone number, the school or district is totally out of the picture.

  4. no I think it would be fun to remember all the time you spent in their room.

  5. Normally teachers are happy to see their previous students and catching up is always a cool thing but I think that certain schools might think it's unnecessary for them to be visiting.  

  6. I would love to get back in touch with some of my old teachers.  There were a couple that really made an impact on me.  Is the school just refusing to let you meet with them during regular school hours?  Maybe you can set something up after hours?  

  7. I've done this and will continue to do so.  But, then, I was in school during the 70's, in a very small town and times, they are a-changin'

  8. i love visiting my old teachers i had great relationships with many of them

    schools that dont let you do that are g*y

  9. Perhaps they just don't want the disruption.  Usually though most teachers are happy to see former students.

  10. There's definitely nothing wrong with visiting old teachers. My school does that, though, where they refuse former students to visit -- but that's because they're mostly college kids who dont' have class during regular school hours, and so they come and visit during the school day, and my school thinks that's disruptive... Most of my graduated friends fix the situation by exchanging emails with the teacher, and they call ahead of time and end up meeting/chatting with the teacher before or after school. :)

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