
Do you think there is going to be a hurricane in puerto Rico in 2 weeks or so?

by  |  earlier

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because im going in 2 weeks, and i am very nervous. Please tell me everything you know, and if you live there, or if you now something about it, is there a hurricane there right now?





  1. Only God knows the answer to that, but you can keep looking on this link for information.

    Even if there were a hurricane, you would be well taken care of and put in a place of safety. Hurricanes vary tremendously in size and scope and sometimes are no more than heavy storms. Major hurricanes are not all that frequent and, as someone who has survived one, I can assure you that you shouldn't be spoiling your holiday with all this anxiety. Relax and enjoy yourself!

  2. There are a couple of storms in the Atlantic that could develop into a T Storm and probably into a Hurricane after that. They are travelling west and maybe the first one could reach the caribbean in a couple of days.

    The good news are that Puerto Rico has lower incidence of Hurricane landfall than Florida, the Bahamas, Mexico and the US Gulf Coast, this is because the island is located right on the point where the Hurricanes tend to go southeast right through the Caribbean or Northeast (continue through the Atlantic basin till they reach the Bahamas or the US coast.

    Please check in advance the weather channel for any storm advisory in Puerto Rico. ( if there are bad news...maybe you can negotiate with your Travel Agency a Cancellation or a Change in your itinerary.

    Cheers and good luck.

  3. Let me look into my cyrstal ball....I see no hurricanes in your future.

  4. Both are good answers keep an eye on the weather channel or PR has not had a mayor Hurricane in a while ( since 1998) so they are due. That does not mean it will happen. August and September are very busy month in the Hurricane season. Just keep and eye on the weather.

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