
Do you think there is know use of helping the environment?

by Guest56926  |  earlier

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We already screwed up the environment, so there is no use to help it!!! An ice age already occured before and according to nature it will happen again so us as a human species cannot do anything!!! Why waist billions of dollars to save our future? Nature will take its toll some how!!! We should stop all this global warming and environment friendly c**p!!! The earth is doing it by itself with only a mere percent by us!!!




  1. Many of the environmental solutions - such as reducing the amount of what we use - be it energy, natural resources, space, etc. - Actually SAVES money. Yes research costs money - but some of us actually like to use our brains to BETTER the planet. Yes. There are problems - but some people LEARN from their, and other's, mistakes - and try to NOT REPEAT THEM.

    Yes, nature will take it's toll - have you noticed Katrina, and what just happened in Myanmar (formally known as Burma)? That does not mean that we should wait and let it all happen. There is still a lot of wonderful, beautiful and worth - while life out there for those of us not to BITTER to see it!

    And please do not project your inability to 'do anything' on the rest of us. Some of us humans are very intelligent and are trying to save all our collective behinds despite people like you.

  2. why don't pay.we recycle.thats sooo not paying.don't make a fuss out of nothing.

  3. Ya. Global warming is a tool for making money.  All the big Countries are making smaller countries  pay by creating a fear. No one can change the mother nature.  This is just like the fear created by computer specialists at the time of turn of the century-Y2K.

  4. Actually sorry to break it to you but what nature(and global warming) is doing is completely our fault. I kind of agree though about how humans have already done the extreme damage and it really can't be reversed now. But at the same time.. if we at least do what we can maybe it wont be as bad as it would if we don't do anything..

    Also... global warming has nothing to do with ice ages.. what will happen with global warming is most or all of the land on earth will be flooded or underwater and unable to live in at all..

    Unless the human race eventually adapts to it..

  5. There is a use! Perserver! One person can make a difference.

  6. It truly hurts nothing to engage in any environmental activity that one believes will help mother earth. Every little bit helps.

    Yet, the pragmatic side to this, is that earth is undergoing a cyclic and totally natural environmental/climate change.

    Earth has been doing this for millions of years and since "our" introduction some 10,000 years ago ( + - ), this planet has had a relative period of balance and normalcy.

    So, it's natural, it's part of earths cycle and nothing anybody or country can do to reverse it.

    So, take a front seat........ recycle, buy a hybrid car and make money donations to Environmental Groups to save our environment.

    Then kick back and watch mother nature in her most glorious displays of  violence, destruction and devastation, as she reasserts her control over humanity.

  7. That is about like saying you aren't going to shower or bathe because you are just going to get dirty again anyway.  The fact is, we are destroying our home and we need to clean it up.

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