
Do you think there is more Evil in the world than Good, or is Evil just more noticeable?

by  |  earlier

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  1. there is much more good than evil. its just that the media and people would sadly rather hear and see the evil and bad. do you know what i mean?

  2. It just seems that way because evil acts make the news. When was the last time you saw a news report about some guy saving a kitten?

  3. There's no such thing as either.. lay off the bible and acid

  4. I think there is more good, but good doesnt get thrown on the news. This gives the impression there is more evil.

  5. more selfish people that commit evil deeds.

  6. there would be no good if there is no evil or the other way around.

  7. I believe that we are all good at heart.. there's very little evil its just over shown so we the good ones can watch and be per-pared for the worst in people.

  8. just  like with anything else  the  evil  gets  noticed  ...

    just like people only notice the  bad quality about you  never  see the good  quality....

  9. More good than evil.  Evil get's more attention.

  10. Same amount of evil except now it uses the Internet so it seems like there's more.  It's high speed evil.

  11. I believe there is more GOOD in the World- but that the Evil "stands out" -because People tend to be Insecure, and thus "afraid of the dark..." .

  12. If there wasn't more Good in the world, we would have blown it up years ago.

    I think Evil is more noticeable, otherwise how would we figure out where to apply the Good?

  13. I don't really believe in "Good" and "Evil" (with the capitalized letters...).  I generally believe that human beings are selfish and shallow.  I'm betting that you are young...probably a teenager, possibly in your early twenties...and that you are starting to realize that the world is not the shiny, happy place that your middle-class parents made it out to be.

    The problem isn't that people are Evil.  The problem is that they are stubborn and short-sighted, focused on thier own happiness with little to no regard for thier fellow man.

  14. I believe there is more good than evil, but evil gets more attention.  You don't hear about all the people who do the right things every day.  You don't hear about the millions of parents who get their children up in the morning after a good and safe night's sleep, feed them a good breakfast, make sure they get off to school on time and safely, etc., etc.  You don't hear about the good samaritan who stops on the side of the road to help a stranger change a flat tire, or about the clerks who go out of their way to help their customers.  

    Watch the people you encounter every day and you'll see most of them doing the right, and good, things most of the time.  People are basically good, and do the right thing most of the time even when they do not have to.

  15. nahhhh.............personally, i think evil or good can exists either of any ways people would want to perceive. If you as a person finds or sees the world full of evil than goodness well, that's up to you. there are many people in this planet and the way they see this world we have depends on how the world has been treating on them.

    If most of the people got luck: - they may perceive the world much full of goodness

    But if luck runs out for a few or many of the individual- they may perceive world as more of evil in it.

    I also have to emphasize this phrase you have..

    "Evil just more noticeable" -yeah, that's very true.

    Observe this, even how much, how many good deeds you've done for the world, be a hero; be a good son, topnatcher student, good friend, etc etc. It takes thousands and millions og good deeds in order to be appreciated or be known. And with just ONe snap of a finger- all the good deeds you've don e will be erased in the minds of the people just because of a single mistake or evilness you have shown to the world.

    heheeh- did you get my point.?

    1 mistake versus 1,000 good deeds.

    and the winner ( the noticeable in the public )is 1

  16. At different times in my life, I have thought there was more evil than good... but the last several years, I have held the belief there is more good... and also, life is what you make it... you get back what you give.... if there is a lack of good in the world, then get busy doing some good!

    Thank you, brother!

  17. I don't think that there is more evil in the world. I just think that more attention is paid to the evil things that happen, especially by the media. Shiny, happy stories don't sell newspapers or magazines or get tv ratings like the tragedies and true-life horror stories. I think it's a shame that all of the wonderful things that happen in the world are either completely omitted from the news or buried in some section of the paper that is hardly noticed. There are wonderful things happening in the world all around us. We just need to look a little harder to see them. If we can't see them then maybe we should be out making them happen.

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