
Do you think there is or ever was life on another planet?

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Do you think there is or ever was life on another planet?




  1. Rocks from Mars have been proven to have a strain of bacteria in it, so obviously there is life on other planets.

  2. maybe and yes.

    time is everything in this question.

    If a space faring civilization visited Earth 65 million years ago, they would have found almost no life at all. It had been mostly destroyed by an asteroid. What little life was left took all of that time to develop to where we are now.

    Many suns we can now see, are millions of light years away. If they were at their civilized peak, by the time we get there, there might be nothing left.

    The Universe is huge is both space and time.

    No two planets might ever coincide developmentally.  

  3. There is currently no evidence of life on other planets.  There is a lot of speculation, but speculation isn't science.  There have been a lot of overblown stories in the press (like bacteria on a Mars rock), but still, no evidence of life on other planets.

    Actually, it's pretty sad these days what passes for science.  I'll say it again - speculation is not science, no matter how many college degrees the speculator has behind his name.

  4. There has to be somewhere.  It's probably single-celled though, or some kind of life form that we can't imagine because we haven't seen an example of it yet.

  5. short answer - It seems very probable

    long answer - The universe is a gigantic, varied place.  It seems so huge that pretty much anything possible, even if very rare (like black holes, supernovae) will happen many times.  Also, as the universe gets older, heavier elements are being made.  That means even if life hasn't started somewhere else yet, the likelihood keeps increasing.  Maybe in a few billion years life will start on a another planet somewhere.  

  6. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town... sorry kid.

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, the antichrist has something special in store for. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  7. We humans can't be naive enough to think we are the only living beings on a planet. There are billions of planets that we don't have the technology to see, so... yeah....theres alot out there we dont know

  8. Ok so if you'll bear with me a tad I think I can answer this question.. from what we know the word planet my have to be extended to mean more than just the local planets in our own Universe.. The Sunshine Universe.

    Beyond our Universe is open space but eventually without much effort you'll sooner or later come upon the shores of the rest of the Universes in the big box and there you'll find thinking recipracating even malevolent life in the same image as or own no matter what stage of evolution you care to martial because of the cyclicle nature of our own as in Flood, Dinosaur, Nuclear War and then flood again.

  9. Considering there are trillions of planets within solar systems with a sun similar to ours, chances are very very high that there is life on them...we just don't have the technology to view or visit them since they are so far away that it would take millions of years to reach. There's a much smaller probability for there not to be life on another planet. If the universe were to be the size of our planet, we've only explored a small fraction of a grain of sand's worth.

  10. Yes I think there was life on Mars, and possibly there is life in planets of another stars.

  11. yeah, and if not at least you have something to imagine:)

  12. Yes, I think there are planets out there that we don't even know about that have life.  

  13. There exists the possibility that perhaps out of the trillions of star systems the conditions may have been, are or will be just right for the existence of a life form of some description. Who knows, it may be even in our own Milky Way galaxy. As for us ever knowing about such a life form is highly unlikely. By that I mean we never have been, not are, nor will ever be visisted by another life form - space is simply too big!

    Having said that, this by no means makes it so that there are the right conditions for life elsewhere. We could just the absolute freak of the universe and in reality the only ones...Gives you a sense of loneliness doesn't it!

    However, I personally think there is and agree with the statement that “if we are the only life form in the entire universe, it seems like an incredible waste of space” (I think that has been accredited to Carl Sagan – but I could be wrong on that!!)

  14. i think it is possible for life to exist outside ours.

    if our planet can support life, doesn't that mean that other planets have the capabilities also to support life?

    thats my opinion.

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