
Do you think there is some truth to this?

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Do you think there is some truth to this?

My friend said that you can tell the classy people (aged from 16 to 25) from the not so classy people just by looking at their facebook pages. If its clean and simple, it usually means they are classy. If it is cluttered and full of applications, it usually means they aren't very classy.




  1. I think you can tell some personality, but I don't know about classy or not.  I think if you look at the pictures and half of them are really drunk or S****y, then they aren't classy.

  2. when word are being defined by facebook, you know there's something wrong

  3. And if you don't have means you are an adult.

  4. nah I think that is dumb- you can update your page so much depending on your mood it doesn't really matter--- I've had the clean look and I've had the super cluttered... don't think it matters. Anyway it's FACEBOOK... who cares?

  5. I don't think so, because each person has difference in many ways.   What I mean is it depends on what kind of person you are.  Like there are people who are very clean and simple even though they belong to the lowest class.  And, there are people who are so fancy but belongs to socialite or high class of people.  It depends on what environment you came from.

  6. I always thought facebook was for the non-classy or the originally non-classy now desperate to show their new 'classiness'. I thought facebook was for students.

  7. Yeah, the true classy types spend more time on Y!A.:-)

  8. define classy

  9. To me, the classy ones are those who aren't on facebook at all.

  10. I have to agree. My classiest Facebook friends only have the apps they need and a few others for fun. Then there are those who have so many apps that it takes forever just to scroll down an inch. (Those apps are usually Growing Gifts and Hatching Eggs, which, in my opinion, are the most annoying apps on the planet.)

  11. I think that's reading waaay too much into a third party software interface. The easiest way to tell if a person has class is to have dinner with them.

  12. Not where I live... Here, "classy" generally means "artistic" types... and artistic types usually have a lot of clutter.

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