
Do you think there is something outside the universe?

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if i kept going straight lets say i had 10 billion years to live..and kept going straight into outer space...would there be an end?...what u guys think..ive always wondered this




  1. Other universes.

  2. No there wouldn't be an end.'

    and actually There is NO OUTER UNIVERSE because our universe extends forever. Have you noticed that if you keep traveling north on Earth and you might end up in Antarctica.

    (south pole)

  3. Firstly, I think our Universe is enclosed in a giant "rotating sphere" that has a definite outside boundary. Secondly, what lies outside of this boundary I have no idea but would have a guess that it might be some type of anti-matter !

  4. There is no 'outside the Universe'. Universe is all inclusive.

  5. u know i been asking that question too that if we the only living things in the universe but idk mayb there is some life i mean we cant b the only ones that is life

  6. There is no "outside".

    Space is curved, that is it curves back on itself in all three dimensions.  You would never reach the edge of the universe no matter how long you traveled.  There is no edge to reach.

    Sort of like wondering if you would fall off the earth if your reached its edge.

  7. Outside the universe is the place where monsters live. By expanding, the universe gradually brings these monsters inside, where they can find us and eat us. Now go to sleep and have nice dreams.

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